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When do we get one in the cafeteria?

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I can't help but think their putting the cart before the horse here. While cannabis remains illegal (and ridiculously overpriced on the black market), these machines are going to targeted by criminals. Fairly similar to what crimes we hear about in relation to ATM's (automatic teller machines). I wouldn't be too surprised if medicinal consumers get rolled after they've made the transaction, or crims just rip the whole thing open, or steal it complete.


Also, I'm not too keen on how much of your personal details are required to make a transaction. A card swipe, photo taken 'n fingerprint logged is a little too much info I would be prepared to give out to anyone, government or otherwise just to self medicate with a bit of cannabis. That information isn't required with any other dispenser that i've come across so far.


The way they have it at the moment seems to be the best way for now (in a shop), until cannabis is decriminalized completely and the black market eliminated altogether. Otherwise I can't help but think the release of these dispensers will work in the negative for law reform, because the prohibitionist will use the crime related actions that will surround these machines to beat their drums once again.


All in all, yes it's a good idea. Maybe just a little premature for now..



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