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you fricken lame-brain what the heck are you bunging on here .. excuse my ignorance for not knowing what a robo trip is bit i did look it up ..


robo-trip ;


After ingesting large amounts of dextromethorphan, found in over-the-counter cough medication (Robotussin, Vicks 44), a person will begin to robo-trip.


Robo-tripping often involves itchiness, a tell-tale walk, fruitless masturbation marathons, and speech that makes no sense.


get a real life dude before you lose the one given to you

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robo is great i have done it a few times, all some great outcomes.


a few things to note:


RESEARCH; http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/dxm.shtml


Make sure your source is a DXM ONLY product! (eg. Robitussin DX forte)


If you plan on smoking weed (or taking anything else) while on DXM make sure you have a Trip-sitter


A (low) 3rd plateau Dose (300 - 500 mg) and 3-4 cones is a good mix for someone with low experience in LSD and Marijuana this can produce:


Greater appreciation for music

open and closed eye visuals




(rarely) Psychosis

High Anxiety


Higher Dose(600- 2000 mg);


Above +




Out of body experiences

serotonin syndrome (mixed with ssri)

Olney's legions (in high and regular doses)


Onset: 30 mins-1hr

Peak: 1-3 hrs

Come down: 2-5hrs

(Time release preperations ad 1-3hrs to these)


The morning after can be a little like XTC, so not a good idea for work etc..


I have found this drug very interesting, especially mixed with marijuana. Great for something different and a mellow evening at home.


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