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My Vaporstar Review

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Just go real slow so you only hear the whistling sound lightly, don't suck the whole flame into the unit...I try and go for an "axe" shape happening in the fire while drawing in - I mean like...the lighter held not THAT close, and when you breathe in, half the flame still going upwards & half going down into the recepticle? (Ha, you'll see it when you try) but yeah...you get at least 4-5 hits of really nice juicy vapour that way.
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Buddy of mine bought one of these a few days and I tried it out the other night. Both of us are used to bongs so it took some getting used to.

Is the flame supposed to actually be drawn down into the metal opening at the top? It's hard to tell from watching the vids on youtube. Also with a bong you know when it's finished, I think I tried to get to much out of one cone and ended up burning the weed.

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Try not to put too much of the flame into the hole, just so it starts delving in.

Another thing you can do that was reco'd to me, is pre-heating the metal part when you have it in the tweezers - I do this with a jet lighter, just focusing on the outside of it, then pack it up, pack it in, let me begin, ha, then finish off the rest with a normal lighter. You CAN also use a jet lighter, just strafe back and forth over the top of the hole as you inhale - don't point it in.

Give those a go, take it slow and steady and all should be well.

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