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First attemp at growing - beginner's request for advice

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I have recently had a go at growing some bag seeds and I thought I would post afew pics of my plants...

I planted these in early April, and this is the progress so far:



The plant on the left seems to be growing very strongly, but the one on the right seems to be struggling: notice that part of a leaf is missing, and also the lower leaves seem to be somewhat deformed...


Does anyone have any ideas about what might be happening there?


They are potted in Baileys potting mix from bunnings, and I have watered them with some seasol fertaliser about every 2 weeks since planting - not sure if this is a good thing...


I decided to plant before I stumbled across the wealth of information on this site - now i know that early April is not the best time to plant.. So what do you guys think will be the outcome? The good plant looks fairly healthy atm, but do you think i will get any bud out of it? (I live in Perth, weather has been good lately, but i guess as the days get shorter and the nights get colder then they will start to struggle?)


im thinking either way this is a good learning experience and then later on this year i can have a good crack at growing a decent crop.


Thanks in anticipation!

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not really the right time of year to grow here in WA

id say, start your plants off in august september, and then watch them get HUGE before harvest within a few weeks before of after easter.

thats how i do things in bunbury, and the climate doesnt change between here and there,


you could try a winter crop, not easy to keep the temps up, for growth, you need atleast 16 hours of daylight, with the short days of winter coming round, it would flower almost strait away, because flowering(budding) starts to happen when you have around 12 hours of light per day


hope this helps,

if worse comes to worse, stick those plants under a set of fluro`s, warm white, and cool white tubes, which you can buy from any local hydroponics store, try get the $20-30 german full spectrum tubes, they work best,then leave them in there untill its time to put those lil babies outside!

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Hi ldawg,


What your doing looks good ldawg :shy:


I don't know what size pot or medium you have the plants in but i think your using compost /perlite mix. Perhaps a little bigger pot for the flowering stage although if your outdoors you may get away without potting up.


It's 1`2/12 outdoors most places so keep on keeping on doing what you are.


That small portion (tear /rip/ chew) of the leaf that is missing won't bother you or the plant.


Healthy as ldawg



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thanks for the comments guys


at the moment I dont think i will go down the path of getting a light, although maybe in the future.. I'll have to think about a good place inside to keep it




I had a close look at the weaker plant and it looks like it has started flowering... only problem is i think its too small to produce any decent bud

but the good news is its a girl (i think) what u guys reckon?


so any advice on a good fertiliser to add when its flowering? hopefully something that is easily available from bunnings?

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Hi ldawg


ldawg, so any advice on a good fertiliser to add when its flowering? hopefully something that is easily available from bunnings?


None specifically but most with a higher than normal P & K. soz can't help there much, but your pic is of a Female ;)


The males will tend to be bigger and usually show sex before females do as a rule. take another viewing of you other yet sexed larger plant. You may find it is showing or will do so in the next few days. Could it be it is getting more light?


Look after that girl you have ldawg !



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Hi again


I thought I would update you guys on what ive done since i last posted


I brought the 2 plants inside and put them in my wardrobe under a few CFL lights - At the time i thought I couldn't be bothered buying a proper HPS light, and i though i would give a CFL a go.

I used a 48W and 2x20W lamps from bunnings, and I made few dodgy reflectors from tin cans and alfoil


I wasn't expecting much, but the plants came along really well!


Yesterday I picked a few buds to try out and steamed them dry in the microwave. It turned out pretty well, the smoke wasn't harsh at all which is better than i hoped. Because it was so good i decided to harvest them all.


Here are some photos












What do you think?


I'm fairly happy with the result, not sure if I waited long enough before harvesting though

For the last week they had been really smelly in my room, so i was keen to get rid of the smell :applause:


Im not sure how much it will weigh when its dry, im thinking maybe about an ounce

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