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Places that also celbrated during Mardi Grass

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The Global Marijuana March


was inspired by Nimbin Mardigrass Cannabis Law Reform Rally


it is run at the same time to link in with we

it all starts in Nimbin

because time wize, we are ahead of most of the other cities

except NZ

this year more than 200 cities and towns around the world participated in the annual Global Marijuana March

up from last years 180

we have web links to eachother and send images and vidz of the local happenings for each city to DL and view as they start their own local actions

you wont see much in Nimbin cause we are the frist to post

we do get to sit back and watch the rest a da world do their ting


gotta love dat


irey guidance

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Woot we should try and organize some kick arse rallies around Aus for next year =]


good too see the amount of people getting behind the movement though =D


Damn i will get the gold coast on it =] there would be a BIG number of people here willing too support it ATM with all our drugs gone off the streets and shit :'(

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