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a fert/nute question

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ok.... right now im not using a gallon of water at each watering, but all nutes and such call for an x amount of nutes per gallon of water.


a couple questions to illustrate my ignorance.


1. if i mix up a gallon, can i keep what i dont use for the next couple feedings?


2. am i limiting the nutes if i dont use the per gallon system?


3. i SUCK at math and fractions and what not, what measuring system will be easiest and most accurate so im not over/under nuting?


4. anything i can get to make it all easier?

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1.yes see reply from Gazza2001au I would also be sure to use a lid.over the course of a couple of days water will evaporate, making your mix more concentrated.


2.no.not if you adjust all measurements to compensate for your new unit of measure


3.if you are in the U.S.(or just using U.S. gallons as many products here in Canada do)divide each ingredient on your list by 3.8 and that is your per liter amount everywhere else divide by 4.2 to convert from "X"/Gallon to "x"/Liter


4.a calculator. if you are like me you will never remember the converted measurements especially if you are using a wide variety of additives so calculate once write it on a piece of masking tape and stick it to the bottles of fert.


Good Luck

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