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how to use nutrients properly?

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Yesterday i bought some really cheap plant food its called miracle gro i know i know

terrible right. basically i am just wondering on how to add the nutrients to the plant?

so should i just add it in my soil whilst im watering it? im not even sure how much i should pour in it says add every 2 weeks

ive already read the instructions ive diluted it and the ratio is 15-13-14 is that good for veg?

considering that this is my 2nd grow ever im not fussed with expensive nutrients i'll leave that for when i get better well i at least

hope to lol


Peace B)

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heya peteabordi welcome here B) ... yea i would mix up the nutes with water as recommended on the box and water in sufficient amount to wet the surrounding soil , if in pot until it runs out the bottom ... yes at intervals every two weeks provided it is agreeable to the plant , which it should be ..


regarding the 15-13-14 this tells you the proportion of the 3 major elements needed by the plant , these being Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (N-P-K)

(although in total there are about 16 essential elements)


cannabis loves Nitrogen during its growth period when its putting out lots of leaves, it also needs the other elements but not in such big amounts ... when plant goes into flowering it reduces its need for Nitrogen but loves Phosphorous and Potassium to build flowers

this is also true for many different plant species , so you can see what you have in Miracle Gro is a fertilizer that is suitable to many different garden plants without being specific to any single species , a sorta all-round multi-purpose fertilizer if you like



best o' luck


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That was a very helpful post frazzle B) ive only harvested once but most of my plants kept losing the bottom leaves and it spread upwards the leaves would turn yellow to i had no clue what i was doing wrong. it made the plants look stretched lol what do you think it is?




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I've used MG on some small outdoor plants that I've grown with decent results (although I did add potash and PK during flowering - both of which you can get at your garden centre)


I used the MG every third water, with plain water for the other two. Waterings were every second day.


Best way to get help would to start a grow diary for your girls, so we can really see whats happening.


Best of grows,


Jimbo :thumbsup:

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