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The law's a dope on medicinal grass

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SITA von WINDHEIM has been self-medicating with cannabis for 40 years.


Since mid-last year, she has been able to do this legally, using a medical cannabis card.


The 53-year-old Canadian is coming to Nimbin this weekend for MardiGrass to explain to others why marijuana has helped her manage the severe pain that has afflicted her for most of her life.


Medical marijuana use, she argues, should be legalised in Australia.


“I suffer severe migraines from multiple sources,” Ms von Windheim told The Northern Star from her home in Canada.


“I have multiple pain issues, as well as extreme drug and even herbal and coffee sensitivities, and to a lot of foods and medications,” she said.


“I only discovered eight years ago that my cannabis use was reducing the amount of medication I needed.”


Ms von Windheim's neurologist signs a form allowing her to access, possess and use marijuana legally.


The mother of three said she was living proof cannabis causes no long-term harm.


“I've been raising children on my own for 19 years and my kids are all going to college. I've never depended on the state,” she said.


Because she cannot legally continue her cannabis medication in Australia, she will only stay for one week.


“I'm only going to be in Australia for a week because I'm going to be living on pharmaceuticals for that time. If Australia had medical cannabis, I'm sure that you would have a lot more visitors from other countries.”


Medical cannabis regulations were introduced in Canada in 2001.


Although the issue is controversial in the US, 14 states there have introduced it, and similar allowances exist in Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Israel, Finland and Portugal.


Ms von Windheim will join a forum on the issue of medical cannabis at the MardiGrass festival on the weekend.


Author: Saffron Howden

Date: 30th April 2009

Source: The Northern Star

Copyright: © APN News & Media Ltd 2008.


They have a poll on if medical cannabis should be legal in Australia.


The Northern Star

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it wont let me vote :wub:


I've been seriously thinking about pulling up my roots and taking of overseas again since my country dont give a shit about me.


Edit: I just registered and voted, yea i know it doesnt mean anything but its one way of letting our voices be heard......I think everyone who reads the article should register and comment about the FACTS of cannabis verses prescriptions for pain,stress,anxiety,alcohol,cigerretes...ooo dinners ready gotta go :yinyang:

Edited by Stokes
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Self medicating for 40 years huh.....ha bullshit.


So a 13 yo girl was able to get hold of and use cannabis as medicine for "migranes" and not because she liked getting high.....fuck off....this is 40 years ago no less.


Look, I dont mind people claiming they use it for its medicinal value because I have no doubt it has positive results for most people but the people who ONLY have ever used it as medicine are very few and far between. I cant stand the people who like getting stoned and pass it off as self medicating.


I might be wrong about her, dunno, I dont know her so im only guessing. I do know it happens as ive seen it with my own eyes....a woman who screamed blue murder about migranes/mysterious back pain and would self medicate with over the counter painkillers and grog. When her partner came home from work each day her back and migranes would be turned on like a lightswitch, of course eventually it came out there was nothing wrong with her[sick in the fucking head] she was just a manipultive bitch who liked getting pissed and wasted on pills...plain and simple.


Like I said, I dont like to tar everyone with the same brush but its the sort of thing thats hard to prove either way. I could quite easily say I only use weed as medicine and I dont use it to get stoned, I have the medical background to back it up and I have no doubt it does help but that doesnt change the fact I started and kept using it because I like getting stoned.


I wonder who is paying for her trip? Out of her own pocket? your subs at norml footing the bill?...who knows..


Self medicating 13 yo cannaidian...:yinyang:....yeap, sure....

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You're an absolute dickhead thylacine.


And did you even read the article? She said "I only discovered 8 years ago that my Cannabis use was reducing the amount of medication I needed".

She had obviously used it since about 40 years ago but maybe not for MS, since MS doesn't usually hit people that young.

And what makes you think she doesn't have patient records to back up her story? huh? What? Nothing?.... thought so.

She has MS, pretty sure you can't fake that.


Oh yeah and who cares if norml membership fees pay for it?

She's helping the cause, that's what the fucking memberships were for!

Edited by luciddreaming
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