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house&garden nutrients

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I tried the House and Garden range..beware of the ph drop after adding your nutes, my res went down to 3.7

Its the first time i have ever had to use PH up !




Huh?? I've been using H&G's whole range (yes even the stuff you cant buy here yet) for about 4 months now, in Coco, DWC and Recirculating hydroton, have never had pH drop like that :thumbdown: they are buffered but not that much :scratchin:

Did you check pH of water before adding nutes? what was it? which nutrient are u using, I assume it was their 'hydro'?



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Ta Billopuffalot,


helped me a heap :thumbdown:


I had a chat with my local grow shop dude and seems he had his eyes on the root excelurator already, will be getting alittle H+G for us to try over here soon..


I think i will be doing a H+G grow also in the next few weeks.



Btw Theheadcing what are we in OZ missing out on, ive seen the nute on the shelves for a while but now the addys are comming, are you saying there is even more in the range other than on there Aus site?

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Just had a look at their site, they have finally put up most of the products previously unnavailable (shooting gel, pH up and down, house clean, foliar spray), however I have a nutrient called 'aqua flakes' that isnt available here, their equivalent of canna aqua I guess.

If you look at their dutch site there are about 20 products they dont import here, a whole line of bio nutes :thumbdown: , nitrogen and magnesium boosters, kelp extracts, guano based media and a few other things.


we barely get half their range here :scratchin:


PS trying their dutch site, not working for me atm, can anyone else see it? http://www.house-garden.nl/index.php?pageId=&taal=en

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Huh?? I've been using H&G's whole range (yes even the stuff you cant buy here yet) for about 4 months now, in Coco, DWC and Recirculating hydroton, have never had pH drop like that :D they are buffered but not that much :D

Did you check pH of water before adding nutes? what was it? which nutrient are u using, I assume it was their 'hydro'?




Hi..ive been using the "aqua flakes" and i use tank water with a ph of 7.0 and ec of 0...Im useing flood and drain system and i used the whole range too..base nutes, xl bud, multizymes, drip clean, top booster, shooting powder

I know I'm not the only grower to have this ph drop so badly..he was using the coco mix

I didnt realize that the ph was so low..i never used to use ph 4 buffer when calabrateing my metre ..always used 7ph buffer..when i used the 4 that was when i found my ph meter was rooted

So with the ph so low (without me knowing) it really affected the grow and the yeild :thumbdown:



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I got some house garden gear working an absolute treat


cocos a+b working very well for what i can tell plants growing very vigorously

multizyme a good product, keeps em healthy and strong.

root excelurator a fucking awesome product.

shooting powder/budxl/top booster are all too be confirmed.


I mix em um up in 10L batches water too waste. PH 6.5ish when i water. no problems.

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