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My Case Study - Weed reduced hard drug taking.

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My mates were developing a culture of scoring pills and taking them at clubs and it was giving me the shits.


Here is why i hate pills and powders

> I do not want to trust the safety of my body with the hands of an untrained chemist and pay for the experience.

> i am scared i will like the high, also that i will tarnish future natural highs of life because i cant match the artificial experience of an E or coke or speed.



So given my personal objections I had two choices cut childhood friendships over drug taking or subtly make a deal, because i didnt want to hang around feeling (apart from a couple beers) sober as a judge around these guys who had dropped a couple pills each - it wasnt fun.


I didnt want to sound like a narc so when one friend went to his phone to "hook some shit up" i said "nah man trust me i have some A grade stuff i grew (insert speil here about how i got the seeds from amsterdam) that just wont mix with that so hang tight till we wind up tonight, we can all chill back here (mates house) and have a smoke as a wind down after the clubs my shout


My lame attempt to munipulate my mates worked after all who wouldnt choose some free weed over expensive pills in these tuff economic times. But even so i only just won over the pills.


So we went out had some booze had a great time about six of the boys pulled up in a maxi at friend B's place and we pulled cones - talked absolute shit laughed like tools and fell asleep in a mess around the living and outdoor areas watching "Ice Age".


"fuck i slept like a baby last night man" "fuck i feel good today i normally feel like shit" were some comments in the morn.


Pulling bongs the night before caused the boys to sip copious amounts of ice cold water which would have cured the hang over then the good sleep was iceing on the cake.


This now has been a recuring pattern of behavior for me and mates now for about three months. Now instead of scoring pills and going out fuck eyed and poorer for the experience they just have a few quiet ones and come 3 in the morn are keen as cat shit to get back somewhere chill out and talk shit and get high




So although anocdotes dont mean alot a message to anti-weed know it alls.





QUESTION?? HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED ANYTHING SIMULAR i wont to know if this was an isolated incident ?????

Edited by GIY
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I was in the exact same position, only smoking weed while a few of my mates get onto pills, i too was dead against them


After i while, i gave in, particuarly going through summer, with all the festivals and seeing how much fun everyone was having, since then ive had probably 6 in total purely for special occasions, not just a weekend thing


You have absolutely no idea what you're getting and ive heard some horror stories, anyone ever hear of blue omega's? But if you do it smart, check pill reports or get them from mates who have tried them first then you should be ok


In all, people love them because they're great fun, you cant change your mates so you just gotta care about what you do and hope they're safe about it

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I go out aswell maybe Ill have to reread to see what gave u the impression i was waiting at home like an unimpressed gf ?


As for shouting for free "LMAO" - yes i am - and why dont u just say what your trying to say instead of incinuating like a bitch. I didnt realise the concept of shouting was funny (seen as I grow anyway), then again the concept of shouting prob would odd and funny for such a bitter tool like yourself. never been shouted ??


Respect your opinion though peace.

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