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Calcium Magnesium supplements for coco

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Hi I bought "cal Max" today for a suspected calcium deficiency and when I got home I realised It also has added nitrogen

NPK 2-0-0. This shits me cause I don't want to mess with my NPK ratios. The other product "Cal Mag Plus" has it also. Why do they have to add nitrogen?


Just wondering if there are any alternative products.



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So your growing in coco ? What nutrient do you use atm ? With coco it naturally produces K which will the cause Ca to lock out which will then cause Mg to also lock out .That's what i found when not using a Coco specific nutrient .Also with your coco make sure you throughly flush it before you use it ,and also regularly flush it whilst your growing in it .Coco will build up alot of salt content over time so make sure you flush it .I'm currently using Canna Coco nutes which has all the bases covered NPK 23 17 13 notice the K level which is alot lesser then standard nutes it's to make allowance for the extra K that coco emits .And also the Ca 36.4 and the Mg 8 % so the Calmag is already added .It has also humic acid ,fulvic acid and silicone added as well .As some say Cannas expensive but when you've got every thing that you need to grow great pot in the one bottle i disagree .Also take your water into content too i'm using RO so i've never got any problems there as well even though Canna say use tap water .And if you do use that Calmag use it at half strenght .And keep your pH at 5.8-6.0 .Anyway RR i hope you can get it sorted mate .Cheers Ozdaz
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Thanks Ordaz. I use coco. From what I understand Coco is an inert substance and dosnt leech potassium. It hogs it and you need to use even more K to compensate for this.


I'm using canna vegga for veg and dutchmaster advance for flower. The dutch master has sufficient calcium whist the cana vega dosnt. What Ive decided to do is use the DMA nutes along with calmax every second feed during veg. I also use fulvic, silicone, seaweed solution and bio-bugs intermittently.


Really I had to compromise because there's dosnt seem to be any cal-mag hydro products without the addeed N. Things are going great now since I made some nute strength adjustments and added calmag to the arsenal :peace:. Just need the frikkin sun to come back out ;)

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