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Hi Guys and Girls,

PGR's seem to be the flav...i used cyco a and b and they are great, but i must admit that my hydro store recently put me onto another cyco product called swell used in the later flower stage and no nasties(pgr's)

Gave the flowers great size and then in the last week i used Cyco C just to harden the flowers and i was impressed with the results...great flowers and no pgr's, i hope people try this they will be surprised!!!...i was


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ok bifnooo , whats in it then if not pgr's ???


Base ingredients; Potassium, Phosphorous , plus ..

It is the exact combinations and precise blending of elements hormones, and acids
Hormones and catalytic agents have been added in order to pack on extra girth and weight on all your flowers and fruit



so can someone tell us what the hormones and acids catalytic agents are ??? ... i think not ..



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Hi "stranger" (bifnoo) with no other posts !


Gave the flowers great size and then in the last week i used Cyco C just to harden the flowers and i was impressed with the results...great flowers and no pgr's, i hope people try this they will be surprised!!!...i was








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Only one industry full of shitter blokes than the home horticultural products industry and that is the home hydroponic industry blokes which are the shittest blokes of all.


Smells like an ADD to me but then again i thought a sales person would have went to the trouble of plagerising some pics

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Geez poor bifnoo got flamed! :freak:


Got to admit pretty suss 2 post though.


After searching the cyco brand cant seem to find a hompage for thier products, must be fairly new? One thing I can say is that they have a pretty complete line.

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Ive used cyco flower A +B and cant give a rating yet as I used it on a strain that I never grew naturally so cant compare. I just bought some of their C also and will let you all know. One thing I do know is that it used to be cheap until it caught on. Now they charge 140$ for A + B and 100$ for c. Ripp of if you ask me. I think Adelaide hydro make the shit but Im not sure. Ive started toying with pgrs again but still haven't proved to myself they are worth it.


Anyway Bifnoo where can we buy this "Swell" ?

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