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You arent "Legally" allowed to grow any plants in NSW .

Your dead right Closet lol ...well not cannabis plants!


it's spelt out here




Offences with respect to prohibited plants

23 Offences with respect to prohibited plants


(1) A person who:


(a) cultivates, or knowingly takes part in the cultivation of, a prohibited plant,


(b ) supplies, or knowingly takes part in the supply of, a prohibited plant, or


(c ) has a prohibited plant in his or her possession,


is guilty of an offence.



Here's the whole NSW DRUG MISUSE AND TRAFFICKING ACT 1985 As at 12 December 2008


Schedule 1 at the bottom of that page is the table of quantities for all prohibited drugs in NSW.




Your state government websites will have the actual legislation, but austlii is sometimes easier to use.



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Decrimilization is a load of shit and does no good except give the police reason to enforce possesion laws.


In Victoria they give you 2 formal warnings for small amounts (used to be 50 grams or less), the fact is its to small of an offence for them to stuff around with. So they either just throw it down the drain if they catch you with it all dont bother trying to search out drug users in the first place.


In South Australia all they have to do is write you a on the spot fine, which is also good revenue raising so as a result those arse holes love trying to search out people with small amounts of drugs.


Stuff that I'm more than happy with the way the Vic laws are until they totally legalize it. I dont need a bunch of thug coppers standing over me and searching my car so I end up with a $400 fine for a few grams of weed and a piece of glass! They cant even take your bong in victoria.


It should be legalization or nothing

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jabez, yes legalisation is the only option for cannabis, and that is what we are going after in the High Court within the next few weeks. With our new Chief Commissioner, who has told everyone that the War on Drugs is lost, and our AG having used and who in the past wanted to get rid of these laws, we appear to be in the best position to get rid of the Treaty, in the process removing the laws on illicit drugs.


We will know by Monday what they intend to use as an argument, and that will give us all we need to finish this mess, once and for all. :yinyang: :wub:

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