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O.k I know the main thing a cannabis plant need is Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, but about how much zinc, iron, and those other chemical elements should be in my fertilizer mix, depending on vegetative and fruit stage? Also I would like to know what your ph levels should look like? How much vermiculite, and perlite, should be in the soil mix, also should peat moss be mixed in? I cant remember if it made a difference. Also would a 2.5 gallon bucket be good enough for this project? I wanna get my hands on some BlueCheese, but by me living in Illinois, USA I don't know if it would actually come, or what would be a good site to buy them from, without anyone showing up at my door besides UPS? Another thing is ... would a 400 watt HPS, and 400 watt Metal Halide do the job. I don't know if the plants need a certain amount of lumen. And if so would one ballast be good enough for two lamps. I will be posting pics of my grow area and show you guys what I plan on doing? I would really appreciate if you can answer some of my questions so I can get a visual of what I will be doing to prepare. About $600 bucks should do me right if not about $750. Do you agree? lol
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