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Best time to juice?

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Hi, riveratt7...


I have used hulk and preffer it over rock juice, IMO it tends to retain more of the natrual smell and flavor.


I use it @ half strength @ day 10 of flower for 10-12 days. Using it after 2 weeks in is a waste of time for most indoor varities of MJ IMO.


With that said I am now looking at a safer alternitve to increase yields, after doing a bit of research on PGR's!


I'm going to give shooting-powder from house&garden a go along with the usual PK additive for 4-5 weeks then switch to the shooting-powder untill week 7-8 then flush (8 week strain).


Heres some info on the shooting-powder....


House & Garden Shooting Powder is the secret behind every successful grower. This sparkling bud expander is the absolute best in the field of flowering stimulators. It gives visible results and works brilliantly with all base nutrients. It is packed in handy sachets, is simple to use and has been extensively tested by our team. It has already gained great respect in the horticultural industry and, moreover, has earned our customers’ complete satisfaction.


1 sachet will treat 100ltrs of nutrient solution.

Product Information


House & Garden Shooting Powder forces your plants into starting a new flowering cycle after the regular cycle has stopped, significantly increasing the fruits’ total weight. The extra yield after applying this agent will surprise even the most seasoned grower, as it actually creates a new layer on top of the existing fruit. Output increases of up to 30% can be reached this way.



Use Shooting Powder at the end of the flowering period for the last three weeks.


Adjust your base nutrient to EC-Value of 1.2. Prepare your nutrient container by first adding your base nutrient (e.g Soil, Coco, Aqua Flakes) to the water container. Adjust your EC of the nutrient to 1.2 and then add your Shooting Powder. Adjust the pH value to harmonise with the nutrient solution. Use House & Garden pH+ (up) or pH- (down) as this has been developed specifically for use with House & Garden nutrients and will give you a longer and more stable reading. Your nutrient solution is ready for its first watering.


* 1 sachet to 100ltrs during the last three weeks before harvest

* 2 sachets to 100ltrs during the last two weeks before harvest

* 2 sachets to 100ltrs during the last week before harvest


Only use Shooting Powder when your plants are sufficiently healthy as it is a very strong agent that requires a lot from your plants.


Always adjust the EC value of your base nutrient to 1.2.


Do not use Shooting Powder in combination with any other booster.




Actully looking to give there whole line a run soon, as i've heard nothing but great things about the products especially the shooting powder!



Edited by yields
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