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Best time to juice?

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Howdy all I have a question about Plant growth regulators. I rarely use them but want to try it on my shiva skunk. When I have used it Ive found no real increase in yield is this normal? and I usually apply it at the end of week two.


So given that i have no height restrictions when is the best time to apply it? Day 1 of flower or later?




Also I have Psycho Flower, 2 part (new and improved) :peace: and Hulk. Are either of these products superior to the other?


Thanks! :thumbsup:








Please this is not a debate about the use of pgr's. :freak:

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Plant hormones and growth regulators


Plant hormones and growth regulators are chemicals that affect flowering; aging; root growth;

distortion and killing of leaves, stems, and other parts;

prevention or promotion of stem elongation;

color enhancement of fruit; prevention of leafing and/or leaf fall; and many other conditions


Very small concentrations of these substances produce major growth changes.


Hormones are produced naturally by plants, while plant growth regulators are applied to plants by humans.

Plant growth regulators may be synthetic compounds (e.g., IBA and Cycocel) that mimic naturally occurring plant hormones,

or they may be natural hormones that were extracted from plant tissue (e.g., IAA).


Applied concentrations of these substances usually are measured in parts per million (ppm) and in some cases parts per billion (ppb).

These growth-regulating substances most often are applied as a spray to foliage or as a liquid drench to soil around a plant's base.


their effects are short lived,

and they may need to be reapplied in order to achieve the desired effect.


There are five groups of plant-growth-regulating compounds:

auxin, gibberellin (GA), cytokinin, ethylene, and abscisic acid (ABA).

For the most part, each group contains both naturally occurring hormones and synthetic substances.


Auxin causes several responses in plants:


* Bending toward a light source (phototropism)

* Downward root growth in response to gravity (geotropism)

* Promotion of apical dominance

* Flower formation

* Fruit set and growth

* Formation of adventitious roots


Auxin is the active ingredient in most rooting compounds in which cuttings are dipped during vegetative propagation.


Gibberellins stimulate cell division and elongation, break seed dormancy, and speed germination.

The seeds of some species are difficult to germinate;

you can soak them in a GA solution to get them started.


Unlike other hormones, cytokinins are found in both plants and animals.

They stimulate cell division and often are included in the sterile media used for growing plants from tissue culture.

If a medium's mix of growth-regulating compounds is high in cytokinins and low in auxin, the tissue culture explant (small plant part) will produce numerous shoots.

On the other hand,

if the mix has a high ratio of auxin to cytokinin, the explant will produce more roots.

Cytokinins also are used to delay aging and death (senescence).



iery guidance

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Howdy all I have a question about Plant growth regulators. I rarely use them but want to try it on my shiva skunk. When I have used it Ive found no real increase in yield is this normal? and I usually apply it at the end of week two.


So given that i have no height restrictions when is the best time to apply it? Day 1 of flower or later?




Also I have Psycho Flower, 2 part (new and improved) :freak: and Hulk. Are either of these products superior to the other?


Thanks! :thumbsup:








Please this is not a debate about the use of pgr's. :peace:



which one are you using if you dont mind me askinf rat ?

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When I used to use rockjuice I's use 1/4 to 1/2 strength, end of week 2 for 5 days. Rock Juice et al are strong stuff, don't use over 1/2 strength.


And yes, didn't see to much increase in yield, to many factors too be sure, but mainly depends on how ur strain reacts.

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Hey RR . hows it going for you mate >?? :freak:

As for the PGR , i had a problem with height , had largish plants , was recommended to use a PGR so my hydro guy put me onto a 2 part - used part A at start of 12\12 for 5 days ,then part b for next 5 . It did the job, absolutely stopped them in there tracks . Not any noticeable increase in Height , which for me was needed >??. That was 4 weeks ago . out of my 5 diff strains , the only one to start some vertical growth has been my G13 power skunk. She put on a rapid growth spurt last 6 days grown 8- 10 inches . with some serious bud formation. Maybe a family trait .

As for helping my yield, cant really say as this first grow , however comparing my buds to a couple friends grows at comparable stage my buds are all ROCK hard , and i mean rock .. For same size buds i seen not treated with PGR , Half the weight ??

Is this the tradeoff though ??Smaller overall , but way way denser ??Next time i will be doing 2 same clones , one treated, one not just to satisfy my curiousity, and see if my hrdro guy is full of it . He said 25-30 % increase in weight

Hope this helps ,also thanks for some of your input .


Muckster :thumbsup:

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Thanks Radic. Shroomy I have used rock juice and cyco flower more marked results with rock juice though only in apearence. I used RJ at 20% (1ml pl) for ten days


Im starting to doubt weather its worth using at all. It does come in usefull in spring when flowering plants tend to reveg before they finish flower and it makes them finish flower even with increasing daylight hours.


But yeah I dunno I might wait till i need it on the odd plant.

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i use it within the first 2 weeks it does increase yield as the main colas are more compact so u dont remove the stem in the middle as u would if u didnt use a PGR it also stops almost all strech keeping the light lower than without using PGRs and the pop corn buds are more compact and solid making them usable
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