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Carlos Santana Urges Barack Obama To Legalise Cannabis

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by Scott Colothan

Friday, April 03, 2009


© Festivalwise 2001-2009




Carlos Santanta has urged President Barack Obama to legalise cannabis.


The 61-year-old guitar legend believes that by making the drug legal, it could transform the flagging American economy.


Speaking at the promotional launch of his Hard Rock Hotel residency in Las Vegas, Santana used the platform to spread his views on the contentious subject.


According to the Associated Press, he said: "Legalize marijuana and take all that money and invest it in teachers and in education. You will see a transformation in America.


(Legalisation is) really way overdue, like the prohibition with the alcohol and stuff like that.”


Santana even used the opportunity to take a swipe at Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I really believe that as soon as we legalize and decriminalize marijuana we can actually afford a really good governor who won't keep taking money away from education and from teachers and send him back to Hollywood where he can do 'D' movies and we can get an 'A' governor."

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I think that is the moment to all people in world speaks about this. All people that can be influence the Government.



But on another note, I agree with Santana. Pot, if grown legally, would be a massive cash crop for America. It would rake in tons of money, which they could invest wisely, and effectively turn America right around.


Shame it probably won't happen...I reckon if Obama can make it legalised as a medicine all over the US, that would be a great start.

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i'm with jayke. it'd be amazing, i think, and really give the economy a boost...but it's still "too soon" after the whole 90s just-say-no campaigns.


legalising it for medicine would be great for sure...i think that's the primary hope at the moment. however, we're in a sort of generational shift.


those who are currently in power still carry the views of the late 80s, early 90s in terms of marijuana being the antichrist and a blight on society and all that nonsense. those who emerged out of that propaganda are still a little too young - our mid to late 20s, very early 30s. we're essentially waiting in the wings for the reigns to be handed over.


i think in the next 10 years or so, there's a chance of it being legalised. but in the next 4 years, i think medicinial use is about all there is to really expect.

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I feel we need to push now more then ever. Because as there is a shift happening and the 'baby boomer' generation slowly gets in to power, we need to convince as many of these younger people as possible. I was surprised to see a pro legalise all drugs letter in the Age yesterday regarding bikie gangs. WE have Obama being laughed at for his statements, Police Cheif Commissioner supports drug legalisation or decriminalisation if it can be proven to work.

Time is now.


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