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Smoking Marijuana Good Or Bad

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Hey hows it going.

I have looked on alot of faq's etc.

But the one what really struck me was the one on erowid saying that marijuana is actually good.


Could i get the experts here to say the good and bad things about marijuana.


And also your personal opinion on Smoking it thanks.


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Guest weekprik

it relieves me of migraines and reduced the frequencies of getting them,

It helps me to sleep,

it makes me think though problems,

it tastes nice,

I do not drink acohol as ive seen too many bad things happen from drinking, but yet to see any bad shit happen from weed.

alcohol makes people do stupid things.


Dont drink and drive home, smoke weed and fly home!!!!

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Guest Urbanhog

You mean smoking or using marijuana?


smoking any products/herbs even if it's non-marijuana often isn't good for the lungs, but there's always a risk.


I believe using is not bad for you, but it's still not 100% "harmless" but of course it's better than alcohol, ciggies and many over the counter mediences, which more people have died from legal products/drugs than marijuana itself. :blink:


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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I found this on a website.




TOBACCO 400,000

ALCOHOL 100,000







Sorry for the caps but i copied n pasted from a text file.


Do you think that is true that not one person in america died from cannibas in the usa ?

I aint sure what year the survey was done either.

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There is no recorded case anywhere that can show cannabis as the direct cause of death, of course mj is harmful, you don't enjoy things if they are good for you. ::blink::



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Smoking anything will lead to a greater risk of lung cancer, be it tobacco or pot. Weed tends to be smoked a lot less than tobacco though, and while there are no confirmed cases of death as a direct result of smoking pot, like overdosing, (I think the effective to lethal dose ratio is something like 1:44000 or something.) no one can deny that smoking anything over long periods of time, will in all honestly probably lead to serious lung damage, and this in turn could kill you. So the idea that pot doesn't kill people is kind of misleading. I still think it's a crapload safer though, and of all the drugs to take recreationally, cannabis is probably the safest. If the dangers of smoking weed (minimal) really worries you, then try either a vaporiser, (no tar so lung damage is minimised) or eat the stuff.
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Is smoking marijuana good????????


fuck me dead mate, of course it fucking is!!!!! Smoking Marijuana is the fucking best thing you can fucking do. Who gives a shit if you get lung cancer!! at least you smoked it and got stoned.

Does Marijuana cause depression?? only when your not stoned, just cos you realise how much better things could be with a few bongs.

Is Marijuana addictive?? I dunno is sex addictive? cos I think all good things should be repeated endlessly until I die..


like some dickhead once said:

"health is merely the slowest rate of death,"


as for deaths and MJ, I'm sure it has been a cause of many deaths. Just not a direct cause. like people getting bashed for pot. stoned kids getting hit by cars.

Burnt to death from going to sleep smoking a joint. Heaps of ways MJ could kill you.

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Guest weekprik

i have to note that MJ has caused me BIG problems but umm what are they again????



OH thats right its stolen my memory, i have such a bad memory everyone calls me AL, short for elzheimers :blink:

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