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UK Police Let off drug testing

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I was doing a bit of surfing and came across this report about UK police officers being let off drug testing, take a look.



By Gary Jones



SCOTLAND Yard has quietly dropped plans for officers to be randomly drug-tested

because of fears that hundreds would be caught.

The Metropolitan Police has put the controversial issue on the "back-burner",

according to one senior source.


Britain's most powerful policeman, Commissioner Sir John Stevens supports

testing, but accepts that as much as one-third of the 26,000-strong force could

find themselves at risk from detection.


Police chiefs have been studying the issue for the last five years.


But Scotland Yard confirmed yesterday: "There are no plans to introduce random

drug-testing for officers."


A senior officer said: "We have enough difficulties increasing police numbers

without adding to our burden by losing those taking illegal substances.


"Drug-taking by officers is not something being hidden under the carpet. Action

is taken if there is evidence of drug abuse.


"Sir John accepts that many officers - especially the younger ones - take

drugs. In his day, alcohol was the choice of recreational 'drug' favoured by

those in the police, but society has changed."


The Yard, and the 43 forces across England and Wales, currently have no powers

to make an officer take a drugs test.


Legal experts believe compulsory testing is a minefield and that it may never

be introduced by police forces.




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Guest dr grrenthumb

u kno why so many would be caught? where do u think all that weed that is got at customs goes? they burn it all? i hardly think so. i kno of atleast three incidents where officers are re-selling the weed caught on to other officers and the like. how is this fair, are police officers above the law? forget random testing , how about raiding their homes, tons of stolen goods, can anybody tell me where it all goes, the stuff taken from bugularies? how much is actually returned to their rightfull owners? apparently most of it can't be traced, but what about identifiaction stamps marked into the goods, that by law they all have to carry? companys have records of who has bought the items and it is also printed on the recipt.

there alot of things wrong in britian at the moment, and this is one angry stoner who wants to do something about it :angry

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I'm all for it!


I think it sinks that they are NOT tested. For christs sake, football players are tested. It seems there is one rule for them, and one rule for everyone else! Just like politicians - I fucken hate that!


Legalising pot is good, but its like alcohol, you shouldn't goto work drunk, nor should you goto work stoned. What worrys me is cops that are into hard drugs.


I think it would stamp out ALOT of corrupt coppers out there if it was introduced.



Edited by chief23
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Sportsmen are tested for drugs because they use them to cheat, different issue IMO.


I don't want coppers tested for drugs, because that may mean that all employees could start to be tested for drugs. And as we all know, you can turn up to work completely straight and still test positive for MJ in your system, so really they are poking their nose into what you do in your own time. I know I don't want that, how about you? Not fair for us, or cops IMO.

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People are already drug tested for some jobs (especially larger companies and even some labour-hire companies). Why should the average joe be tested and not cops. I'll tell you why - there are shitloads of coppers taking drugs, and probably involved in dealing or some type of corruption. Cops are susposed to stop drug trafficing, so they should be drug free. Particularly if they are public-servants who carry guns. Not testing them is like covering up the problem, they don't want to know how many are taking drugs.



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