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after short growing plant strain

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...thats right you read correctly!


I have done my own reserch but would like to hear from anyone out there in potland who knows of any dwarf or smaller strains.


Ive just shifted house and I dont have anywhere near as much space as I used to.

Obviously I still would like a reasonable yeild if poss.


....I cant believe how lucky I was a few years ago to be able to grow ten plants without having to stress about it.....(old south oz laws)...how sad it is that the law has gone backwards.....Im sure Don Dunstan would turn in his grave if he knew of the extreme right wing anti pot laws there now.


ps......I cant say how much I appreciate this forum.....hats off to whoever started it!



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Hash Plant....yeee..these beauties only grow to about 4-5 feet at the most and are damn sticky.....


Red Hair Skunk...can be grown quite short and has fairly compact buds...classic 80's shiznit


IMO any plant, even tropical sativa's can be grown short by just tying them down, or training them in other ways...


Also, if you are doing outdoor and want shorter plants...start them late into summer rather than mid spring and so on...So that they don't grow very tall then the autumn buds em..


Indoor...ANY plant can be grown short, hell we grew two jamaican redbeards that were only 3ft tall....


Just lower the vegetative light cycle and bud them earlier..easy as that


Peace Out


Dirty Deed

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Guest Urbanhog
Has anyone tried tilting plants 90 degrees in there pots when they get taller?

I had a friend in tassie, he was experiementing, he tipped when they were young, so he will have two main stems, then he bended them sideways so it's kinda like a wide "V" and it turned out to be a interesting sight, I am not sure what strain he did that, it was a bag seed and it looked sativa/indica cross.


Urbanhog :blink:

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I have read that the growth hormone in plants (any) is in its highest percentage at the highest point of a plant and by bending or tilting helps to evenly distribute this hormone resulting in even hedge-like growth.


any thoughts on this?




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...one other thing..

I would like to make a donation to this sight..


What is the minimum exepted?....(sorry to sound like a cheap prick)...but I would like to help out as much as I can but dont have a shit load of cash myself!



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Best way to collect pollen: I usually just get the male, put it in a paper bag and shake it around for a bit. To be honest, there is no best way to collect pollen, but a technique that isn't too destructive to the pollen would be best advised. And the paper bag thing works a treat. Then you can get a small brush, dip it in the bag of pollen and specifically pollinate any part of your chosen mother (this you do if you want to only pollinate a certain branch so you can smoke the rest of the mother after seeding)


You can also store pollen for ages in a air tight (vacuum seal better) container and just leave it in the freezer.


Peace Out,


Dirty Deed

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