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Attic Grow Room

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Having weighed the possible options for my growing space....


1. Grow tent - Flimsy, cumbersome and not a permanent solution

2. Self-built grow box/cupboard - Too much like hard work

3. Attic - Already light-proof, clean, discreet and has power.


I've decided to go with the later and make use of the large attic I have. When I say large I mean HUGE. It runs the entire length and width of the house (35m x 20m) and has convenient access via a single small doorway on the mezzanine level of the house. a third of the space has chipboard flooring and was originally designed for storage. I've already sat in the space during the middle of the day to see what if any light leaks in and other than having to find a solution for the two bathroom heatlamps which aren't covered with insulation it's pretty much light proof.


Now, onto the questions...


1. The attic roof space is obviously not airtight but do you think the air would be refreshed regularly enough to sustain my grow room needs? I'm planning on setting up a couple of fans to create airflow across the grow room but want to make sure my girls have enough fresh air to breathe.


2. I really want to avoid creating a hole in either the roof or walls to allow for exhaust. That said I need to think about odour control. To deal with this I am planning installing a 250mm centrifugal fan to which I'll attach a carbon filter. Most designs I've seen show this setup exhausting to outside or a different room. I'm thinking that I can just run the fan with the carbon filter attached and have it exhaust back into the attic space. I'm hoping that the volume of air in the attic itself will be sufficient and that this will also assist with the air circulation.


Does that sound crazy or do you guys think it'll work?

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It's a pitched roof and at it's highest point it's 2.4m high. I'm planning on running my 2x35 liter pots right down the center line of the roof to make the most of the height. As for the heat, it gets warm but never hot. When we had 3 days of consecutive 40degC weather recently it was 32decC. I've had a temp/humidity gauge up there for the last 3 weeks which shows tend information (ie. highest/lowest temp for a period of time) and the hottest temp recorded was 27degC while the lowest was 12DegC.


This is my first grow so I'm not being too ambitious with the yield. I'm hoping to grow 3-4 plants from clones per pot (not sure what a plant yields) under a 600W HPS.

Edited by SoliSticS
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seal and insulate the roof frist

like everest said

then paint it all flat white

the eze, cheepest and most efficent way to maintain low grow room temps is holes in the floor and roof


next best is an air conditioner and a carbon filter

lotsa fans

because 27c without lights and pumps ect

is way too hot

heat is gonna be your nemissus for this project


the bigest disatavantage i see is the danger of all that water up above the living space

has a huge potentchal for disastor <----big time

design is crucial

no possible leaks and safety shut off and return valves are a must


co2 would be a no no too


you are confident

that you can create and maintain a negitive atmosphere enviroment up there


it is possible to achieve

but extreemly difficult and exe to maintain


dont feel away now

im not saying dont dowit

just dont .. rush ... intawit


its a great idear

it desevres to be well thought out and designed


you can dowit

google is ya best friend

put the energy in now

and you will reep the rewards latter


irey guidance

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