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trying to make clones

Guest weekprik

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Guest weekprik

I came home tonight and found my bush clones 1/2 eaten i found the problem it was these tiny catapillars???? what the??

I killed them all by squashing them and sprayed all 4 clones with neem,

how often should i use neem??


also on the plastic around the small rockwool cubes there is what looks like mould?

what conditions are wrong in my setup?? too much water? too much humidity?

too much heat?


these clones have not rooted visually yet, and have been taken a week ago, how long would i expect to wait.


i have a fishtank lined with white/black plastic, is is air tight and vented a few times a day, (well its a snake cage with sliding doors the whole front of the tank opens up, the roof is sealed by mesh but i have sealed that,)


I havent tried cloning before and just know something isnt right, mould and bugs??


also in a closet setup how long would i veg g13 clones?? lol

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Guest Field_of_Light

Hey man didnt we tell you to keep one end of your fishtank open...to constantly have a small amount of air going in there to avoid mould......


My 200$c clone setup isnt airtight and its works wonderfully........avoid excess humidity..a good percentage is good but too much will promote moulding


I bet you have mites......


Just remember that g13 wont stretch much after turning to flower and youll be right.....

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If it's green around the rockwool its probably algae from tap water, Dont worry about algae.


If its them little tiny green caterpillers be carefull, All my outdoor plants have been plagued with these, You have to check under every leaf on the veins, Look verry carefull, They are hard to see with the naked eye untill they have grown and done the damage.


They should show roots at around 2 weeks on. I've had roots show the earliest 5 days the longest was 3 weeks.

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Guest weekprik

thanks about g13 tip,

these clones are unknown powerful strain,

I will leave the tank open for venting, shit i thought it had to be sealed lol,

the rockwool isnt green its got black spots like mildew,


cheers weekprik,

oh i sprayed the clones with neem last night, seem ok this morning.

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i have those same lil catapillars on my plants not many and very hard to see i can only usually see them when they have half eaten a leaf, i think i zapped one in the microwave the other when i really needed a smoke, ahwel maybe that helped me get stoned if they go for thc lol so is neem the stuff to use to get rid of these lil buggers ? they seem to love my plants and cabbages and tomatoes even the lettuce is getting munched away,
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Guest weekprik

yeah Neem is awesome stuff, I was weary about spraying the cones but it didnt effect them, neem is an oil made from the neem nut so its natural, BUT works great, it stops the insect from reproducing AND the insect will not eat it, meaning the wont eat the plant and will soon die,


I was told to use it from many experianced people, and I find it holds up and does work,


only bad side is the time you spray it, well it smelly like peanuts kinda, but strong smelling.

Make sure the lights are off or that its getting dark as the stuff reacts with light, it only stays active for 8 hours so you make it fresh whenever you use it.

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