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Hydro Gear.


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Elefunk just PM'd me this link to a hydro shop in NSW, I phoned them and ordered two Son-T-Agro at $32 each plus $7 postage and $6.40 for insurance (10% of value), all up that comes to $77.40, I was going to make a trip to the shop to buy two new ones next week, at $56 each.


Thanks Ele.



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Yeah, ele sent me the same link, cool eh? Of course nimer, it depends on the shop, but your at more risk from using your eftpos or credit card at the hydroponics shop down the road than using cash or m.o. over the net. If you feel you don't trust the site, don't buy there, but generally its safe to do so. I can recommend the site mentioned by tom, as well as grow.com.au, (their a little *wink wink* but I've never had a prob with them, prompt delivery and good prices. You could also try sage horticultural supplies at sagehort.com.au, they have a lot of supplies for greenhouse growers, and are the premier horticultural supplies company, IMHO. Have a look out there, there a quite a few places which sell over the net, and sometimes it can work out a lot cheaper, too.
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