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Government are not fit for purpose

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If you have watched TV over the last year or so, you will have noticed the increasing number of appeals for money. £2 a month for cancer research, which is one of the biggest killers of human beings: £2 a month to stop child abuse, £2 a month to save abused animals, £2 a month for foreign aid. The list goes on and on.


Have you ever questioned why this money is needed?


Have you not thought to yourself that there should be enough money collected in taxes and other sources to deal with these problems.


Why are charities needed in one of the richest countries in the world?


Have you ever considered how much money is spent on persecuting cannabis and other drug users? How much money is spent on political advertising? How much money is squandered by local councils, and how much politicians rip off in their expenses. It must amount to hundreds of millions if not a billion or so.


Yet elderly people, the disabled and the unemployed are forced to live in dire poverty, having to go cap-in-hand to the Dept of Works and Pensions to try and just survive. As the figures show, many do not survive, especially among the 2.000.000 elderly people who are living in poverty. [that’s one in three of every pensioner]


Nearly 90 per cent of all excess winter deaths are of people over the age of 65. Last winter, more than 9 pensioners died of cold related illnesses every hour.


25,300 older people in England and Wales died of cold related illnesses between December 2007 and March 2008. This represents a seven per cent increase on last year’s figure of 23,740.


A government that is serious about the health and well-being of its citizens would not allow tobacco to be sold, would invest in cancer research, would take care of it’s elderly population, would stop extravagant expense accounts and not rely on expensive advertising agents to create a ‘lie’ or image for them.


A good start in responsible government would be to actually listen to their experts and stop the ‘war’ on drugs, it is un-win-able and is a major resource strain on the our taxes.


To stop the ‘war’ on drugs which would save hundreds of millions of pounds, while the installation of a system of legalisation and control would safeguard health and also raise further millions in tax-revenue, which in turn could be used to further cancer research or used to educate young and old people about their health and the drugs they may choose to use.


The inability of this government to ensure the health and well being of it’s citizens show just how flawed their policies are. They let people die, they persecute the innocent, they tell a lot of lies to try and cover up their ineptitude, but the truth is they are not fit to govern, have no interest in humanity, just profit. The proof of this can be seen by how they prop up fat twat bankers and corporate financiers, while they let the vulnerable and the sick die through lack of investment where it really counts, in the people of this country, the people this government have betrayed.


Author: norrisnuvo at website http://norrisnuvo.co.uk/

Date: 27 March 2009

Source: PR Cannazine News


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