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Tell President Obama That Legalizing Marijuana Is No Laughing Matter

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Tell President Obama That Legalizing Marijuana Is No Laughing Matter


Dear Friend:


Speaking at an online <a href="http://blog.norml.org/2009/03/26/president-obama-what-is-so-funny-about-taxing-and-regulating-marijuana/"> Town Hall meeting yesterday, President Barack Obama pledged "to open up the White House to the American people."


Well, to some of the American people that is.


As for those tens of millions of you who believe that cannabis should be legally regulated like alcohol -- and the tens of thousands of you who voted to make this subject the most popular question in yesterday's online Presidential Town Hall -- well, your voice doesn't really matter.


Asked this morning whether he "would ... support the bill currently going through the California legislation to legalize and tax marijuana, boosting the economy and reducing drug cartel related violence," the President responded with derision.


"There was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy and job creation, and I don't know what this says about the online audience," he laughed.


"The answer is no, I don't think that [is] a good strategy." (You can watch a video clip of President Obama's response here.)


Obama's cynical rebuff was short-sighted and disrespectful to a large percentage of his supporters. After all, was it not this very same "online audience" that donated heavily to Obama's Presidential campaign and ultimately carried him to the White House?


The American public is ready and willing to engage in a serious and objective political debate regarding the merits of legalizing the use of cannabis by adults. The time for joking is over.


It is obvious that many of you feel similarly. Yesterday, NORML's website received more blog comments than in any other single day in our history!


Please take a moment to tell the President that marijuana law reform is no laughing matter, and that the millions of Americans who support this issue deserve to be treated respectfully. For your convenience, a pre-written letter will be e-mailed to President Obama when you enter you go here:




You can also call the President during east coast business hours at:


  • Comments: 202-456-1111
  • Switchboard: 202-456-1414

If you call, please be respectful and polite. Please leave your name and where you are from. Tell the President:


"I'm one of the tens of millions of Americans who believe that cannabis should be legally regulated like alcohol.


The American public is ready and willing to engage in a serious and objective political debate regarding the merits of legalizing the use of cannabis by adults. The time for joking is over.


Please consider apologizing for your dismissive tone, and please consider treating those of us who believe that there are viable alternatives to marijuana prohibition with the respect we deserve."


Help us send the White House a message it can't ignore.


Thank you for assisting NORML's federal law reform efforts.



The NORML Team



bit sus

obamma needs reminding

we the people have spoken


the time for action is now


cannabis crucaders unite

oz stoners we hafe go so

email campain tree

tell everyone

put it up on every site you can

email papers TV and Radio


obamma must legalize cannabis now


free cannabis

heal the poeple

heal the land

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thanx for tryin


rescheduling of marijuana is a must


obamma must know


check diss 1



The Cannabis Rescheduling Petition

seeks to reduce the suffering and dignify the lives of terminally ill

and other chronically affected individuals

through the rescheduling of marijuana to allow for medicinal cannabis use.

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Just a thought fella's, I don't think it is wise to be sending letters into the Whitehouse if you aren't American. If they happen to pick up on the fact that many of the emails were from other countries it would lessen the impact the Americans have on convincing Obonga that they are serious.


We have to focus on Krudd and his cronies.

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sides...some of us here *are* americans who can easily pass the link on to other americans.


i'm disappointed in obama. but at least he didn't do like bush, and cut money from rehab clinics (for people who actually NEED help for serious shit) just to pour it into randomized drug testing for highschools and middleschools.


way to stomp all over establishing good student/teacher relationships, villify healthy curiousity, encourage underage binge drinking, criminalise teens and treat everyone as guilty until proven innocent, mr former-president. fuckup.

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I think that we must continue to push this issue harder than we ever have before because in the past couple of months it has been getting a lot of attention and it is past the point where they cannot ignore it anymore if we don't continue it will go back to where they could ignore it and we really don't want that. If not with the USA push it with the oz govt. if we do not let up and they continue to not have any real reason to oppose it and laugh it off I think that we could seriously see legalization.
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