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%$@ Ive snapped another stem but worse this time!

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This is a matter of life and death here..... I was watering my babbies and i some how fucking dropped my Misty and the coco peat went every where and i fucking snapped the stem basically off cept for a little thread of the outside skin on stem :D


I know my baby probably has no chance of living but is there anything i can do?


What i have done is cut the end off and put it in a glass of water like im cloning.... Anyone ever tryed this before?? Any chance it could work?? Probably have more chance if i had some cloning gel which i almost bought some today!


This fucking sucks i was looking forward to smoking some Misty


On another note i bought a PH tester today.... fucking 8+ ph lol no wonder my plants aint been looking so good.....


O well rant over.

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yeah...whoa!! I never took a clone before in my life but I reckon you could get some styrofoam cups and chop that little girl up into lots of clones... hehe sounds mean huh? oh well just an idea incase you didn't think of it... you could probably still get to a 7-11 or sumthin for the cups??? oh well.. I saw some clonex at bigW for $8... hehe you probably won't want to do this though lol Edited by Mr Putard
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It was a Misty clone from SPC about 3 weeks old about 15cm tall.


HeHe Mr Putard luckily i already had some :D I just filled one with water put some glad wrap over it and stuck the clone in...... Im actually not too worried cause my mate has a Misty aswell..... im sure he won't mind giving me a clone :o


lol Glad i didn't buy any from Kmart today for $8.50 :(

They had this cloning powder there aswell for like $3 think id prefer the cloning gel tho.


O well fingers crossed that she will survive... always a shame when a baby dies


I'll keep you guys updated

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Guest Field_of_Light
Hey man did you try splinting it...putting the two broken stems back together and basically using a splint on either side of it and wrap it aorund with wire tie etc........give it 1.5 weeks and its all go again........
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Guest weekprik

talking about graphiong, i have a old book from an ex-inmate in this he tells about graphing hops on the the MJ plant, so its still producing THC but in the hops plant not the MJ plant, has anyone tried this before, and would this MJ hops be anygood to make THC beer???

its pretty involved and has drawing etc it appears to work as the hops plant has the exact cells etc as the MJ



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Guest elefunk_delivers

Ive snapped stems b4... (well my dad has when i was living at home)

and bascly ive just patched them up asap.. like u would a broken leg with sum tooth picks and string around the stem hold both peices secure and upright...


i threw sum superthrive into the mix and sprayed it with sum folic spray.. and it was all good...

the stem grew majorly fat.. and didint really harm the plant too much..

just need time to heal.. and kept on growing..


hope this helps


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g'day; i have snapped stems by accident and on purpose. as long as snapped end has good amount of bark on it, it will continue to grow, let it hang upside down.

if it snaps but only goes horizontal, then it will stand up again within 2days.

if you lose 70% of root system, dont panic, it will recover fast enough.

cannabis is hard to kill.(unless you poison it).

you can also clone the end or top if you snap it off.

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