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If weed was made legal and alcohol was made illegal..... then there would be no more drunken violence, binge drinking etc in our streets! Thats my opinion anyway lol


What do you think, for discussions sake if this was to really happen?? Do you think it would solve or create more problems??


Also, if all current laws stayed the same but weed was legalized do you think binge drinking would decrease?

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in my opinion bing drinking would definitely decrease but in no way would it cease.


the postives would include:

less drunken violence

less alcohol related injuries

easy access to dope

cheaper dope


the negatives would be:

medicare would be paying alot more cash to shrinks.

probably wouldnt be great for the economy in terms of motivation and what not.

illegal alcohol business would be created


these are just my opinions and i don't expect everyone to agree, just throwing them out there lol


peas out.

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If alcohol was made illegal there would obviously be less binge drinking and drunken violence.

There's a likelihood of more severe violence though, as history showed in 1920's america.


If cannabis was made legal, it would depend on the regulation model adopted.

Likely a corrupt model would be imposed, rather than simply allowing everyone to freely grow their own as nature intended..


In the scenario of legal alcohol and cannabis, it's possible binge drinking would lower markedly. As many of those prone to binge drinking, could find better methods to relax and unwind, using cannabis.

Also those more susceptible to addiction, would be far safer with cannabis, than alcohol, no question. Hence allowing some to break addiction to alcohol and others to avoid it completely.


Chillman, your comment about psychs getting more money due to the propaganda link between cannabis and mental illness is not sound.

Psychs already make most of their money treating mental illness caused directly, or indirectly by alcohol use and abuse..

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Well..I know I tend to drink a lot more when I'm not smoking weed. When I'm smoking weed, I dont mind the occasional drink, but I know personally, I would rather smoke weed than drink alcohol. Still, I think either substance being illegal will still cause problems, not saying that there are no problems with legal booze though....dam alcopops tax lol lol
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so true.

There's no point making one drug illegal while pushing for another to be legal.

If you're arguing from a rational point of view - that the more dangerous it is the more reason there is for it to be out in the open, not hidden away - Then it's inane to say one drug should be legal and one shouldn't.

I think ALL drugs should be legal.


And chillman....

"medicare would be paying alot more cash to shrinks.

probably wouldnt be great for the economy in terms of motivation and what not."

Are you aware you're on a pro cannabis site?

Do you actually look at the evidence?

Weed doesn't cause motivational problem or any form of psychosis.

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