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Correct ph for floliar feeding

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Howdy all. I was just filling up my sprayer this morning to apply some seasol and it occurred to me the ph would probably have an effect on absorbtion rates. I once heard a story of a council worker applying weed kiler and he reckoned lowering the ph to 4.5 or there abouts he only had to use a third as much to get the desired outcome. I'm figuring that plants naturally take up rain water best through the leaves and it has a ph of 5.2.


Just thought Id raise the topic and if anyone has something to add please do.



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I don`t think you want to change the PH out of the normal range used for feeding of your plants.Foliar feeding may help speed up the nutrient uptake of your plants,but mostly should be used when you are having nutrient deficiencies at the root base.It`s been found that a plant may use up to 95% of the nutrients when foliar fed,as opposed to 10% at the root level.Also when foliar feeding,iit is best when you can use the nutes in conjunction with natural plant sugars that aid rapid entry and movement within the plant.Also the use of cytokinins,natural plant growth hormones extracted from seaweed,which helps provide defense mechanisms for the plant.

Best to foliar feed at times when it is cool.First thing in the morning,or just before sunset/lights out.That is when the stomata are more likely to be open,and able to absorb the nutrients.The use of a quality non ionic wetting agant is useful when foliar feeding.In a pinch,a touch of dishsoap in the nutrient spray may be used as a wetting agent.

Of course you need to use a good quality nutrient/micronutrients.Some nutes have excessive salts that may build up on leaves and choke the stomata.It`s a good idea when foliar feeding to rinse the plants off to eliminate any salt buidup.I wouldn`t foliar feed 2-3 weeks before the harvest,as it may be too difficult to rinse the salts off buds.Try and use nutes that use high quality chelates(7000-70,000 Daltons).When foliar feeding.you should try to wet the leaves enough to have runoff,not just a light misting.Don`t forget most plants have the stomata on the undersides of leaves,so it should be misted from below.


I think the council worker may have talking about foliar feeding taking less nutes than root/soil feeding.



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