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Types or soils?

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Was just at Bunnings and there were too many different potting mixes! Ones for roses, natives, orchides etc etc


Premium ones with wetting agents, blood and bone, dynamic lifter :scratchin:


Absolute confusion on my part...


Can anyone provide a rough guide as to the best potting mix to use as a basis for some soil based pot grows?




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honestly mate just buy the $4-5 bags (cheap ones) they are more than good enough preferably with out ozmocote or any chemicals added! so essentially you've got a good organic growing medium and you will get some sensational results with powerfeed n seasol and maybe something for flowering when the time comes...Given that you are growing a reasonable strain.
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for seedlings youd probably be best to get a seed raising mix

for vegetative plants youd be best to get something higher in Nitrogen.. a 20-10-10 mix or something along those ratios..

for flowering plants youll need some thing with higher potassium and phosphorus .. 10-20-20 mix or something with those ratios..


when you go to veg or flower.. try and get something suited for roses would be the best option.. as roses and Mj use very similar light and soil arrangements..

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While we're at it how often should we be feeding plants (in pots)?


Hi mate.


I think if your medium is good you dont need to feed it any nutrients in the vegging phase as all the nutrients will be in your growing medium, more Nitrogen than P and K in the vegging phase.


When it comes to flower i think you need to pot on again into something that has more Potasium and Phosphorus than N.


Feeding in veg should only be done with water as the nutrients are in the medium, as to how often you should water depends on weather or not you think the plant needs it, like is the soil dry if it is give it a water until you get run off.


Feeding in flower is pretty much the same but when there flowering you will notice that they drink alot more and the soil is drying out quicker. I usually feed every 2 days in flower.


This is just my opinion and there alot more people here who know more than me.


Hope it goes well.


Peace out



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