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Getting a HPS off Ebay

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Is it safe... I'm paranoid about everything I'm even paranoid about going into a Hydroponics Store.. So is it safe to Buy that kinda stuff of Ebay?? Or should I travel 50 minutes to a Hydroponics store and try and make up a story for the reason of buying...



Any Suggestions... I'm looking to do a Cupboard grow.. pref 600W HPS. Perlite/Coco mix medium.


Plus buying seeds... Safe to buy from like.... http://www.highgrade-seeds.com


Or if some one else has a good online store at reasonable prices..



*put on tin foil hat*

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He looks like a good seller seeing alot of his information is hidden to the normal user... So do you reccomend sending it to a house which is not going to be growing?


I might be moving in a few weeks... maybe best time to buy? and send to the current house?

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errrrr ummmm the $300 fan is a centrifugal and its more than likely one of the powerfullest they sell if not the most it would tear ya grow room door off the hinges :D do u even know what your doing bighit? u do know if u tell us your grow room size and amount of lights plus wattages we can reccomend a fan for you hes one of the cheapest with quality gear u will find cheaper but it'll lack in quality and if u go into a hydroponic store expect to pay alot more $$$ for the items your looking at Edited by Gazza2001au
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