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Girls in Rockwool

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Hey All


Not a real good picture but wanted some feedback on setup and...for u to see how slabs sitting on tray. My question is about feeding; I have never used rockwool before and the slabs seem like a wet diaper although the drain seems good. I do have an elevation on the backside of table to promote better drainage, but alot of water seems to be slab and not draining.


Due to my being careful, only watering twice a night, 1 second each.


Appreciate the feedback!!!


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Looks like a very neat setup did you do that yourself?


As you have noticed rockwool has a high water and air holding capacity, it takes up 80% of water and 17% of air.


The main thing really is whether or not your plants look waterlogged, the most obvious symptom being droopy claw shaped leaves.


When you get a chance take a photo of your plants with the hid's off and we'll go from there :devilred:

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