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Potent varieties of cannabis seized in West Coast raids

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4:00AM Tuesday Mar 03, 2009


Copyright 2009, APN Holdings NZ Limited



An annual police operation targeting cannabis growers on the West Coast has resulted in the arrest of 13 people and the recovery of 5200 plants, including a number of "potent" varieties.


Police estimated a mature plant had a street value of about $1000, but noted that some plantings this year were a particularly potent cultivar heavily laden with flowering tops on female plants - which usually contain the highest levels of THC, making them much more valuable.


The haul was down 42 per cent on last year, when about 9000 plants were found, but Hokitika police sergeant Russell Glue, the operation's chief officer, said that was expected after an alleged multimillion-dollar drug syndicate was busted before Christmas at Buller.


"I'm pretty happy with what we recovered - a little surprised that we got so much," he said.


The week-long operation involved 19 police and 11 Air Force personnel, plus an Iroquois helicopter that flew between Karamea, Hari Hari and Springs Junction.


Mr Glue said he was unable to reveal how much the operation cost, but the Westport News reported the helicopter cost about $1500 an hour to run - equivalent to $67,000 for the round-up.


The arrests and drug seizures were evenly spread throughout the coast, he said, with most involving class B (cannabis oil) and class C drugs such as cannabis. The most serious charge related to the possession of a small amount of LSD, in Greymouth. The seized cannabis was destroyed.

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i swear they spend more of OUR money trying to find the plants and get rid of them, than we do with buying an ounce or two..


whats the point with the way they economy is,

they only reason its illegal is because they cant tax the stuff...

pathetic i say, we need a stoner government,

why not make our OZSTONERS political party:D

:devilred: lol

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Isn't it pathetic the amont of money that is spent on busting cannabis growers. Our country is in an economic mess. If it was legalised and taxed, look at the revenue that could be made. There would be money to put towards drought proofing Australia, fixing roads, building hospitals etc....


Of course there should be a marijuana political party. There are members here who are working on that issue now. I wonder how they are progressing?

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you'd probably have a better chance explaining the theory relativity to a 4 year old than getting these idiots to understand that the varieties with the flowering tops are the same as there other varieties they apparantly find, just more mature!


Anyway how the fuck do they know what's more potent, unless they smoked it?

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