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Police raid suspected cannabis factory - and find wood burning stove

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By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent

Last Updated: 4:24PM GMT 27 Feb 2009



© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009



Colin Rowe with the door the Police smashed in at his work shop Photo: ROSS PARRY


Officers obtained a search warrant and broke through a door at Colin Rowe's workshop in Huddersfield, Yorks, after an infra-red police helicopter camera picked up unusual heat patterns from the house.


They looked high and low for the cannabis plants, even breaking a flowerpot in the process, but found that the heat source was simply a stove used to warm the garage workshop where Mr Rowe restores cars in his spare time.


The 41-year-old college technician was furious when he returned home to find the damaged door and the warrant, which had been posted through his letterbox without an apology.


Mr Rowe said: "I find it quite disturbing that Wild West Yorkshire Police can do what they want. I think it is disgraceful, I didn't think the police would treat anyone like this without good reason," he said. "My dad was a police officer for 40 years and he's disgusted about this."


It appears Mr Rowe's crime prevention measures may have also heightened the police's suspicions. Bars on windows at the back of his property - which he fitted to keep burglars out - were seen as a sign that he could be a cannabis "farmer" keen to protect his illegal crop.


Mr Rowe, 41, who has no previous convictions, said: "I think it's a pretty poor way for them to behave given that I'm not the sort of person who's known to the police."


Commenting on the damage, he said: "There was a big hole in the door which was large enough to get your arm through, the hinges were bent, there were bits of wood on the floor and one of my plant pots was broken.


"There was a brush and shovel right by the door so, if they'd had any compassion, they would have at least swept up the mess.'


Mr Rowe went to his local police station in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, to complain and spoke to the policewoman who applied for the warrant. She said a police helicopter "had noted the heat source from my home."


He added: "She said they sent a patrol to my house and found I had bars on the windows at the back. That's to prevent burglary - I don't think it's excessive.


"I've been given a form to claim compensation and I hope the police will pay for the damage."


A West Yorkshire Police spokesman confirmed officers executed a drugs warrant at 9.45 am last Friday. "During the execution of the warrant a door to an external building was forced. Officers located no drugs and arrangements were made for the door to be left secure.


"No entry was made by officers into the main house itself. It is standard policy that we will pay for repairs in such circumstances and we would be happy to discuss any concerns Mr Rowe has."


Mr Rowe shares the house with wife Beth, a 40-year-old health visitor. The door has cost £200 to repair and he has had to take time off work because of the police raid.

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