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Mongy, unfortunately because we have already lodged the nature of the matter cannot be converted to a class action, and I don't know if that can be done anyway with individual criminal cases, I don't think it can but maybe ask Grace.

However if we get our removal to the high court and a date for trial is set then everyone facing personal cultivate posses use charges not trafficking will be able to get a stay on their proceedings pending the outcome of our case M28 of 2009 HCA on the basis they cannot get a fair trial until the High Court has ruled on the questions we have asked.


Exactly the same has occurred in England in the last week due to a case running there using many of our arguments tweaked to the English/European Law the thread is in "international news" I have been staggered that the english system has not been stalled completely but then most people plead guilty to "personal" small quantity and therefore few are fighting.


Most people just take the wrap on the knuckles because they are not up for or just can't afford to fight the the fight, unfortunate but true, and the status quo continues, If we want change, we have to bring it on as nobody else outside users really cares one way or the other.

We need to take the lead shown by the gays etc and come out of the closet to all around us and educate the public about the truth surrounding these laws and the damage that they do. Med users tell everyone you can what this plant has done FOR YOU. How much it improves YOUR quality of life

Point out to people Cannabis users are on the whole peaceful people. It was the Government that declared WAR on the citizens and raised arms in anger/bigotry and brought blood to the streets. Not the dude sitting quietly in his/her lounge having a toke or eating a cookie. Putting raw naturally occurring plant material in your own mouth is NOT a crime , it is called EATING FFS.

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