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luciddreaming the stats come from the governments own figures and reports to government on the war. I would love to think they would suddenly see what they are doing and stop, but given that the propaganda war is now becoming vicious, and they have put out a paper or statistical studies showing that cannabis is dangerous, that is the same format as the studies we are using from NORMAL, I would say they are simply going to try and bluff their way through the case with this rubbish, and have no intention of ending the hostilities. :toke:


But I did do a good job this time I think, so thank you lol

:yinyang: :wub: :D Today we will spend the day pulling apart their studies and show them to be extremely bad science at best, or outright lies, and have that ready for the High Court, We are going to beat them to a pulp with their own words, reports and of course their dodgy figures, Let the battle begin. :) Let the wonderful wizards of oz decide who is on the side of truth, then we can all get on with our lives.


Oh yeah when this is all over, we are going to get together and party, Nimbin looks like it could well be a great meeting place for everyone, besides they might just shout us a couple of joints and a coffee. :) :)

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I just got a letter back from some idiot in the government, responding to my letter to KRudd.

She basically said the usual bullshit about psychosis and depression and that we are signed to 3 National Treaties which I'm sure you guys know of. Also heaps of bullshit about Cannabis in general, when I wasn't even talking about that in my letter, I was talking about MMJ.

She said the TGA must approve any medicines and the government has no say in it. Because they would be breaking the conventions by denying it. (It says something in the narcotic drugs act like, "These drugs must be supplied by the government for medical use" or something")

So basically I believe we need to get a doctor (Dr. Andrew Katelaris?) to submit an application to the TGA for Medical Cannabis. We would need to give him all the information we could find.


What do you guys think?

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Here is my latest response from my pollie bothering attempts.


Here is the question I asked them on their web site:


I was just reading some of the issues you are backing on drugs in

Australia, some good, some bad.


I do however wonder were is the policy on Medical Cannabis? I can send

you 1700 medical research, peer reviewed, genuine science papers, that

show the life saving medicine it is, not to mention pain reliever, anti

depressant, anti psychotic, neuro protector and anti oxidant properties,

to mention but a few.

So why no mention of Medical cannabis?


I really am interested, and I am not going to take offence, after all

you have every right to your opinion, providing it has no influence on

Government policy.






From: ADF Website [mailto:adf@adf.org.au]

Sent: Friday, 8 May 2009 3:46 PM


Subject: Contact from ADF Website (www.adf.org.au)


Dear Elizabeth


Thank you for your interest in our view of medicinal use of cannabis.

Please note

the Druginfo website includes the following statement:

"Medicinal use of cannabis

Cannabis has been used medicinally for many centuries. There is evidence

to suggest it is useful in providing relief from nausea and vomiting

caused by chemotherapy, wasting and severe weight loss, pain, glaucoma,

epilepsy and asthma."


Regarding formal policy, the ADF is reviewing many of its policy

statements and the policy on cannabis is one of those. The matter of

therapeutic use of cannabis will be considered along with others. While

we cannot pre-empt the outcome of the process, it is fair to state the

ADF has previously supported the therapeutic use of cannabis. That the

issue is not canvassed in our formal documents is one reason for the



Geoff Munro

National Policy Manager

Australian Drug Foundation

PO Box 818 North Melbourne VIC 3051

Tel 03 9278 8108 Fax 039328 3008





Interesting response, don't you think? :faint: :bongon:

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luciddreaming, send them a copy of the Preamble to the Treaty, underlining the areas when it tells them they must make available. Then add to that the dictionary meaning of the word must, asking them what part of the word MUST are they having a problem with, so you can assist them to understand their responsibilities under the law. :faint:


Then sit back and wait for a while, the response does come, and they will dodge the preamble like you would not believe. I have been having this argument with the Health minister for months, and her office falls all over themselves to try to answer, without ever mentioning the treaty or its preamble. I respond with the same question asked in a different way each time.


Now in all of this rubbish, you think nothing is happening and nothing will change. Not true, I have seen the release of cancer drugs in the past few weeks. These things were not going to be released until she was sent a copy of the, 1700 peer reviewed studies done on medical cannabis, and the studies proving that cannabis cures cancer, demanding that they allow life saving medicine to be made available for the citizens, they have sworn to SERVE.


There are now no government sites I have contacted, calling cannabis, marijuana. They are making less false claims, and every time they are challenged they change something, not much I grant you, but when was the last time they did anything to please the public?


The more we push, the more we change things, one little victory at a time. The more people who take up this challenge, the more likely we are to get rid of these dam laws, once and for ever.


:bongon: :peace:

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lucid, you are welcome, the more we nag the pollies the more we will achieve. I simply wish that people were not so afraid to stand up for their rights, or even support those of us who are doing it on their behalf.


Let me know if I can send you anything that will help you to fight, I can send you some of the emails sent by me, and the responses from government etc, I can tell you that they are sending the same thing to us all. However this is good it tells me, they have no genuine idea, how to respond to some of the questions asked.


This war will soon be over, given our argument has in essence now been accepted by the High Court of England, at least to be heard, before going to the Human Rights courts in Europe. Remembering that in March the UN Drugs council was told by the Human Rights world organisation, that the drugs laws and treaty, were in breach of human rights, the WHO also slammed them for breaching human rights, and withholding medicine.


We should all be now standing together, supporting each other to end the war waged against all of us.

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That's alright mate, I'll take my letters as they come, I should be able to rebut any of their questions with ease. As you said, they have no argument. And I could tell the letter they sent me was from pre written paragraphs, selected on a computer and composed into a letter. And it still took them 2 months to respond!


Yes, I just wish everybody would join us. I mean really, how many people do you think are fighting for Cannabis legalisation in Australia at the moment? On a letter writing level, your court case level or just outright protesting? I'd guess 100-200....

Imagine if we had every smoker! This shit would be over in a day!

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Okay, I just sent an e-mail to the ombudsman (who deals with complaints about government agencies, just found that out! haha) saying how my letter about MEDICINAL Cannabis was sent to the fucking Border Management and Crime Prevention Branch which, because of their ignorance on the subject, could not answer my questions correctly. Obviously not in those exact words :blink:


I said I would like all letters regarding medicinal use of drugs to be sent to the health department.


It says it shouldn't take more than 7 working days to get a response.


Here's the letter I got back from the Crime dicks Branch btw....

With my comments photoshopped in :wub:



Edited by luciddreaming
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Great letter mate from them, give you a heap of thing to attack with such as these. :flex:


Given that the admit in all government documents on drug control that the only control 10%, where is there control?


What part of Must supply for medical and scientific purpose are they having a problem with?


What part of Neuroprotectant and antioxidant do they not understand? :harhar:


They really should not open their mouths to prove their level of ignorance, or perhaps they need to change their drugs as the damage is beginning to have detrimental effects and could be permanent unless they lol :D


Keep it up, the more we pester, the better understanding they will have, of the levels of anger out in the real world.


:blink: :wub: :D :D :) ;)

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