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That's awesome lightning!!!!

One question, if they don't agree with the war criminal bit can they still agree with the rest?

'Coz my guess is they won't agree with them being war criminals. BOO!

So which pollies do we e-mail about this now?

i.e who are they attorneys, state and federal?


Okay got vics one. Post your state as well so other people can e-mail before they decide what they want to do.



I wrote this if you want to use it and I forwarded it to Bob Brown as well.


Hi Rob Hulls,

I'm sure you've heard by now, there is a constitutional challenge taking place regarding the issue of medical Marijuana.

I'm writing to you as a concerned constituent, asking you to let this go to the High Court.

There are a great number of people who think medical Marijuana should be legal in Australia. The latest nation-wide study (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, National Drug Strategy Household Survey) found that 68.6% - or two-thirds - of Australia want the medicinal use of Cannabis to be legal.

Even if you disregard the massive support for this, there are piles and piles of evidence, and more coming, showing that Cannabis has a huge variety of medical benefits.


If you have the time, I would like to direct you to the bottom of this e-mail which contains an archive of various scientific studies on Cannabis. The list is extensive but the information is accurate and it is the most up-to-date list available. The illnesses Cannabis can help treat include ADD/ ADHD, AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer's, Anorexia, Arthritis, Cancer (many types), Huntington's, Depression, Anxiety, Dystonia, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, Lupus, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Epilepsy, Tourette's Syndrome, Withdrawal Syndrome, Parkinson's and general Pain.


Now I know this list may seem unbelievable, but Cannabis does not 'cure' these ailments but rather treats them. They are believed to be lessened in severity by Marijuana's well-documented and studied primary functions; anti-oxidant, neuro-protectant, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. I direct you to the U.S Governments patent on Cannabinoids http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6630507.html


Thank you for your time,


(I posted this list underneath - http://medicalmarijuanapatient.com/forum/s...hread.php?t=65)

Edited by luciddreaming
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what the court agrees to is the big question.


The call for charges is our counter claim tothe charges laid against us,

Our defence is the other side of the coin.

If our defence is successful the laws will be struck off

if not successful we may build a base for others to build on toward freedom

All I know for sure is it is going to be one hell of a ride


The attorneys state and fed are the chief law officers of australia, the pollies from each parliament who have the responsibility for running ther legal system.

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Budman, what everybody seems to forget is that the medical profession are not in charge. The patient is the ONLY person that has the right to dictate their own medical treatment, the medicos can make recommendations to the patient but if the patient decides to go another way, even if that path will likely end in death, the patient still has the right to choose. The government and medical profession have NO RIGHT to dictate, withhold, force medical treatment on anyone. The patient is in charge of their own treatment at ALL TIMES and is FREE TO CHOOSE from among the treatments on offer, (in existence) and that includes Cannabis.


In a democracy the people are in charge.

In a bureacracy the officials are in charge.


In Australia the bureaucrats(that includes Pollies) are trying to usurp the authority of the people and dictate what we can and cannot do to our own bodies.


They are out of line and need to pull their heads in or they may just get chopped off.

They are our servants not our masters and cannot dictate what the "master" puts in their mouth at any time

be it water, food, medicine, alcohol or recreational herbs or anything else for that matter.


How do you make a bureaucrat "Carbon Neutral"???

Bury them up to their necks then mow the Lawn !!!!!

Now where did I put that can of 2 stroke?




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I got this e-mail back from Bob Brown's.... secretary I suppose.

Hi ----

Thank you for your e-mail.

I am not sure of the origin of your information that Senator Brown is, as you say, “making a case for medicinal Cannabis”. Although aware of the many claims of the alleged benefits of marijuana in the treatment of a variety of conditions, Senator Brown is not now, nor is he planning in the immediate future, to take up the case for its legalisation for medicinal purposes.


John Dodd

Office of Senator Bob Brown


And this one from the one I CC'd to them from the Rob Hulls letter.

Hi ----

Thank you for your e-mail.

We will take the information you have provided into account if, and when, the issue of legalisation of the medical use of marijuana comes before the Senate.


John Dodd

Office of Senator Bob Brown



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OK anyone sending information of to the greens and Bob Brown, please make sure you are sending to your local green candidate, also I do not know what they are up to except for what I have been told privately and perhaps I should learn not to share what comes out of a politicians office, they do tend to give six different versions.


We must keep up the fight, keep emailing, writing and making phone calls. No matter what sort of response, especially if they come back with the normal excuses or their set of form letters used to appease constituents, something I did not know that they did on this topic, it appears they do given I have seen exact copies of the responses I got from Nicola Roxon's office, her I will handle in the press, she needs to go.


If Bob Brown is now not gathering information it does not matter we send to all parties, sitting members and government ministers, we will build the case against them.


Keep copies of all letters/emails to and from, and please ensure you print them out as we all know how many times computers have issues especially mail clients and then you loose everything. We can win, we will win, and don't forget to email your state Attorney general and always cc to the Federal AG, these guys should be completely freaking out about now since they received our last correspondence. :) they will,

lol :jedifight :yinyang: :peace: we will

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My response to a letter from the Government propaganda machine;


Dear Mr Cotterell,

I received your letter today and thank you for taking the time to respond, I will however now respond to your excuses, and political double talk and allowing you to see for yourself that just because I use cannabis, I am in no way a stoner, with brain damage who can no longer think or function.



1. Under the National Cannabis Strategy the Australian Government does NOT take a balanced approach - given that aspirin kills 50 people each year in Australia alone and is available on the supermarket shelves at a height a small child can reach, that is simply put not a balanced approach. Name 1 pharmaceutical that does no harm or in fact 1 that does not kill until you can do that and treat it the same way you treat Cannabis no government is taking a balanced approach.


2. Under the National Cannabis Strategy the Government demands reduction - supply reduction as you well know will not ever happen, simply a fact shown in the figures every year given to governments world wide and the UN not to mention the WHO and all other reporting bodies, you have all been told clearly you are the cause of the illicit supply, the damage to health and welfare of the citizens and you who while you continue to stick with these unworkable, damaging bad laws you cannot expect to control anything, you can find this information in every Working Party report, reports by the UN council reports to you all, you have simply chosen to ignore all the advice, and have ignored the suffering you cause for your own religious beliefs, there can simply be no other explanation as the science and the experts are totally against your laws.


3. While some people report that cannabis appears to relieve symptoms of medical problems - Major under exaggeration - 4000 years of known medical use, for well over 200 years it has been well documented that cannabis is in fact the best medicine for many ailments and in the past 20 years proved to be the only safe treatment for many more.


Let me give you a little of what I know, have a look at these web sites,


Emerging Clinical Applications For Cannabis & Cannabinoids

A Review of the Recent Scientific Literature, 2000 — 2009

PDF attached however there is a great deal more information on this site perhaps might just help you understand what is actually happening around the world and you may well understand what is happening in Australia although because of laws in this country most of what is happening here is simply underground and kept from governments.





This is a fair report to WA government although again figures are rubbery at best, the recommendations were a good start to fulfilling the Single Convention on Narcotics more than either the Federal or other state and territory governments have yet to get serious about.


HON CHRISTINE SHARP (South West) [7.37 pm]: I move -


That the Bill be now read a second time.


The second of the two Bills that I am introducing and second reading tonight, the Poisons Amendment (Cannabis for Medical


and Commercial Uses) Bill, does two things. Firstly, it will set up a system whereby general practitioners will be able to


recommend to the Commissioner of Health that particular patients be permitted to use cannabis to relieve specific ailments.


With the commissioner's consent, these patients will be allowed to obtain or grow a specified amount of cannabis for their


medicinal use. The very fact that the general practitioner will make a recommendation that must then be scrutinised by both


the commissioner and the Poisons Advisory Committee provides a guarantee that cannabis will be authorised only for those


with a legitimate need.


The core issue in this section of the legislation is the removal of criminal penalties for patients who use cannabis medicinally.


I am also some people, I have told your department that I have no other option available to me as the damage caused over many years by the modern medical establishment and their deadly chemicals being pushed by the chemical companies and backed by our governments with the knowledge that these chemical cocktails kill and cause major long term medical issues, I have a number of questions I will ask once we reach the High Court as to why the citizens are forced to use only chemicals and are not permitted to heal themselves with the plants of the earth.


I digress, I have allergies that prevents me from using any pain medications including aspirin the one considered the safest of all. I suffer greatly almost daily, according to the UN charter on human rights to take away my medicine is in breach and you have breached this already and continue to do so, I also know of a case right now where a person is being threatened with forced mental drugs that a particular state government knowing that the drugs cause this person major negative side effects, can someone please explain how this is at all legal or caring about the health of the citizens, of course the answer is it is not.


You mention the propaganda groups paid for by tax payers dollars, the NCPIC has nothing to do with research so that is the first lie, it takes only the statistical reports and refuses to look at the actual medical research, another lie exposed. It is against all UN human rights and the Geneva Convention. for Governments to allow propaganda for war. For government to continue to allow this organisation and the any other tax payer funded groups, who are pushing religious argument and non empirical science documentation, are therefore by definition spreading propaganda, and therefore lies, placing government in breach of these Treaties we are signatories to.


You say the issues surrounding the use of medical cannabis are complex, WHY? The facts in this case are simple the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs made it very simple for you, it clearly states that you MUST the availability of narcotic drugs -SEE BELOW:



The Parties,

Concerned with the health and welfare of mankind,

Recognising that the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable for the relief of

pain and suffering and that adequate provision must be made to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs

for such purposes,

Recognising that addiction to narcotic drugs constitutes a serious evil for the individual and is

fraught with social and economic danger to mankind,

Conscious of their duty to prevent and combat this evil,

Considering that effective measures against abuse of narcotic drugs require co-ordinated and

universal action,

Understanding that such universal action calls for international co-operation guided by the same

principles and aimed at common objectives,

Acknowledging the competence of the United Nations in the field of narcotics control and desirous

that the international organs concerned should be within the framework of that Organisation,

Desiring to conclude a generally acceptable international convention replacing existing treaties on

narcotic drugs, limiting such drugs to medical and scientific use, and providing for continuous

international co-operation and control for the achievement of such aims and objectives,



Again repeated Reports published by the International Narcotics Control Board in 2008


2. Cooperation with Governments

Submission of annual and quarterly statistical reports on narcotic drugs

57. Parties to the 1961 Convention must submit statistical information on narcotic drugs pursuant to article 20 of the 1961 Convention. The statistical data

and other information received from Governments are used by the Board in monitoring licit activities involving narcotic drugs throughout the world. This

allows the Board to determine whether Governments have enforced treaty provisions requiring them to limit to medical and scientific purposes the licit manufacture

of trade in and use of narcotic drugs while, at the same time, ensuring the availability of narcotic drugs for legitimate purposes.


I simply cannot understand successive governments continuing these lies, that cost us the people billions every year to police, cause more deaths than these bad laws prevent, destroy the lives of millions of law abiding citizens daily, keep from people the very medicine that could ease their suffering or in fact save their lives. These same governments are made up of individuals who throughout their youth they have admitted to using the very plant they now claim might cause mental health issues, cancer, brain damage and the next world war. I cannot find a government document with genuine medical research that includes empirical evidence as opposed to statistical data and all the claims are, Might, Could, Perhaps, Maybe, so again successive governments claim they will only back genuine science to ensure good law therefore good governance and yet this unconstitutional and unjust law still exists, under order of the Federal Government.


Now when Government declares war on the citizens, takes away their food and medicine, forces them to use chemicals with the complete knowledge of the damage caused by said chemicals, and this government sets up propaganda groups who's sole purpose is to lie to the citizens, keep all real facts from ever being taken seriously or even being heard about. When government imprisons the citizens for growing, possessing and using a naturally occurring plant for food and medicine, clothing, housing and fuel, this is not law this is tyranny, and therefore the removal of the protection under our constitution, or the Human Rights Accords, we do not have democracy, we have a police state.


The TGA have no control over what is not medicine they are after all the Therapeutic Goods Administration, they make it very clear that they do not believe plants are medicine, therefore under all rules they do not deal with anything other than medical goods. Plants I believe are under agriculture and of course that is where they belong and of course our customs service are very good at controlling the commercial trade, all personal growing, possessing and using should be done in the same vain as any other herb and naturally occurring plant, limited.


When government enforces a law that after 60 years is having the opposite effect to its purpose and is damaging everything in the process, a law that even government ministers themselves believed was to be ignored. When a law was to control actually hands over control to criminals who care nothing for the user and who's only purpose is exploitation to improve profit, then the law has failed and should be removed immediately before another person dies because of government pride or religious beliefs.


I suspect you have by now read the High Court documentation on our case if not ask the PM or the Attorney General or even the top war criminal in the war cabinet Nicola Roxon as I know she has a copy too.


I do not intend to stop using, growing or possessing cannabis for food or medicine regardless of what you do and right now if I was imprisoned to be able to get what you want is a simple as placing your order and that according to the latest figures put out by both state and federal governments. You control nothing including the facts, and given it took months for this letter to be responded to by this office and it is strange that it came only after we lodged with the High Court, even you know it now.



I finish with reminding you that you are the government for the people, to govern on behalf of the will of the people, you do not have the right to demand or bully, you have never been given permission to lie to the people and you have no right to keep medicine from the people.


It might also be wise for government to see the latest Canadian court outcomes and perhaps reread the latest figures from around the world on use etc comparing those countries who fixed the situation and removed the bad law, against those who are still keeping the lie going, very interesting reading.



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WOW long letter. Pretty good too!

You should have included a link to the Portugal thing I've been touting recently. http://cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=10080


Also might want to work on your grammar a bit. Doesn't have to be PERFECT(although it should be as close as possible) but some of your sentenced were hard to read because they lacked full-stops and commas etc.


But good job!

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Sorry luciddreaming, I know it was long, it was however in response to theirs, and trying to get the message through without giving them too much information about what we want to use in court. We of course will be using the Portugal thingy, we love it and there are a couple more coming out of Canada right now too, so they will be handy.
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My latest attempt to bother a pollie; :yinyang: :wub:


To: Federal Attorney General <attorney@ag.gov.au>, Nicola Roxon Dictator <Nicola.Roxon.MP@aph.gov.au>, Rob Hulls <rob.hulls@parliament.vic.gov.au>

Cc: Dodd, John (Sen B. Brown) <John.Dodd@aph.gov.au>, The Age <letters@theage.fairfax.com.au>, The Australian <Victoria@theaustralian.com.au>

Subject: Unlocking a Cure for Cancer – With Pot

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:07:26 +1000



Just to keep everyone informed, this is but a small number of studies that proves the medical efficacy and it's real ability to CURE cancer. I ask for all Australians, please allow the safer, genuine cure for many cancers to be used in this country, and please stop playing political point scoring, with the lives of those whom you have promised to SERVE. I do not intend to stop harassing you all, regardless of the outcome of the High Court in our case this war must come to an end, the government needs the money wasted on the war some $29 billion by the Federal government alone, and I am sure that there are costs that are not calculated in this, including some of the many so called anti cannabis groups financially supported by all states, territories and of course Federally . Allowing Australia to have all the benefits of this great medicine, and allowing genuine research into what other medical conditions it can either cure or ease, would show the people, that Government does listen and act accordingly.




Who could imagine that cannabis might one day offer hope as a cure for cancer? The United States government, that’s who.


For the past 30 years, U.S. officials have willfully ignored clinical research indicating that marijuana can inhibit the growth of certain type of malignant tumors. However, the recent publication of a trio of clinical studies and a pair of scientific reviews have effectively blown the lid off "Cancergate," and revealed that pot’s medical value may be far greater than ever presumed.




Last year, five scientific journals published prominent articles trumpeting cannabinoids (compounds in marijuana) as potential anti-cancer agents.


These include:


Clinical trial data published in January 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Investigation that found cannabinoids significantly inhibit skin tumor growth in mice. Investigators of the study concluded, "The present data indicate that local cannabinoids administration may constitute an alternative therapeutic approach for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer."

* Clinical trial data published in the March 2003 issue of The FASEB Journal that found that the "local administration of a non-psychoactive cannabinoid inhibits angiogenesis (tissue growth) of malignant gliomas (brain tumors)."

* A clinical review in the October 2003 issue of the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Cancer that concluded that cannabinoids’ "favorable drug safety profile" and proven ability to inhibit tumor growth make them desirable agents in the treatment of cancer. According to the review’s author, tumors inhibited by cannabinoids include: lung carcinoma, glioma, thyroid epithelioma, lymphoma/leukemia, skin carcinoma, uterus carcinoma, breast carcinoma, prostate carcinoma, and neuroblastoma (a malignant tumor originating in the autonomic nervous system or the adrenal medulla and occurring chiefly in infants and young children).

* Clinical trial data published in the November 2003 issue of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that found the administration of the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) inhibits the growth of human glioma cells both in vitro (e.g., a petri dish) and in animals in a dose-dependent manner. Investigators concluded, "Non-psychoactive CBD produce a significant antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent (something which prevents the growth of malignant cells.)"

* And finally, a clinical review in the December 2003 issue of the journal Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets that summarized "the demonstrated antitumor actions of cannabinoids," and elaborated on "possible avenues for the future development of cannabinoids as antitumor agents."




Fortunately, researchers at Madrid, Spain’s Complutense University, School of Biology have generously picked up where U.S. researchers so abruptly left off. In 1998, the research team – led by investigator Manuel Guzman – discovered that THC can selectively induce program cell death in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting the surrounding healthy cells. Then in 2000, Guzman’s team reported in the journal Nature Medicine that injections of synthetic THC eradicated malignant gliomas (brain tumors) in one-third of treated rats, and prolonged life in another third by six weeks. A commentary to the study noted that the results were the first to convincingly demonstrate that cannabis-based treatments may successfully combat cancer.


Today, Guzman believes that enough favorable clinical evidence exists supporting pot’s anti-cancer properties to warrant clinical trials in humans. "The scientific community has gained substantial knowledge of the palliative and anti-tumor actions of cannabinoids during the past few years," Guzman wrote in the October 2003 issue of Nature Reviews Cancer. "Anti-tumor compounds should selectively affect tumor cells [and] it seems that cannabinoids can do this, as they kill [malignant] tumor cells but do not affect their non-transformed counterparts and might even protect them from cell death. ... As cannabinoids are relatively safe compounds, it would be desirable that clinical trials using cannabinoids ... could accompany [ongoing] laboratory studies to allow us to use these compounds in the treatment of cancer." Guzman concludes the article by noting that the Spanish Ministry of Health recently approved a human clinical trial – the first ever – aimed at investigating the effects of intracranially administered THC on the life expectancy of volunteers suffering from malignant brain tumors.





Despite these stunning findings, media coverage of them in North America has been virtually non-existent. As noted by Richard Cowan, editor of the website MarijuanaNews.com, "The New York Times, The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times all ignored this story, even though its newsworthiness is indisputable: a benign substance occurring in nature destroys deadly brain tumors."


Why the media blackout? For starters, all of these studies were conducted overseas. And secondly, not one of them has been acknowledged by the U.S. government.



And where does our media stand? Given some 40+ years of this war against the people and their health, why is our media not taking a stand against this brutal war? Why are you not informing the people, with what they both have a right to know and a need to know? When are the media of Australia going to present to the people the latest studies on medical cannabis, when are you going to expose the fact that the sources the Governments use are nothing bud dodgy, rubbery figures at best or out right lies. We just lost another great Australian with prostate cancer, WHY? The medical scientists proved cannabis cures outright prostate and colon cancer, not to mention breast and ovarian cancers, this is public interest, this is need to know, so why do the media not inform?


This war can end today, or the Government can wait until after the High Court decision, either way this war will end, I ask our Governments to think carefully remember you are playing with the lives of the citizens. You can either be hero's or villains, you can choose to continue as is, arresting sick civilians, putting them on trial within a system that you have corrupted with lies and rules, were people are forced to take pharmaceutical chemicals because you take away their herbal medicine, you threaten people with being locked up in either prison, or a mental ward if they do not plead guilty regardless of circumstance. You ignored the Single Convention, that tells you, You MUST make available cannabis for medical purpose, you tell us we simply just have to suffer, when we can use nothing else, or we will be harshly dealt with.


I ask you, if over 100 years of drug laws 40 years of the War against people, do you not think you have killed enough people, destroyed enough lives to finally say, it has failed? Please put drugs under the TGA, all drugs, put plants under agriculture and control commercial supply, legalise, regulate and tax. Right now you control according to your own figures 10% of the illicit market, you have no control of 90%, on the other hand licit drugs are 90% controlled by government and only 10% uncontrolled, now don't those figures look better, and wouldn't you love it all to be the same?


Please Government and media, lets end this War now and save lives, not to mention helping the bottom line, you may just get back in the black given the demand for Hemp hurd well out strips supply around the world, amongst other things that can be produced from this plant, including food, now is the time.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you take the time to genuinely consider your next move.

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