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High-tech high-jinx as website hijacked

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Hello Torture,

I get paranoid too sometimes. Oh, wait, that's when you only think they are after you, right.


When you've been "probed" by Lawrence Springborg its probably anxiety.


New party to probe 'fake' website


I sort of take these articles in my stride. I'm used to seeing a few stories about my antics each year. I get a laugh out of it and enjoy watching the pollies squirm a bit, but I keep forgetting that some people get uncomfortable under a magnifying lens. Thats cool. I have the same problem with television interviews. Hate them.


Hello Mulcontent,

I thought you were making a reference to prison shower blocks until I clicked on that thumbnail. Hmmm. Might grab that. I'm stuck with the rather unwieldy WayneRobertSmith.Com which is a tad on the lengthy side. Those .info domains are dirt cheap.


All I'm doing is having fun. A lot of people think I'm some sort of domain trader but I've never made a cent from the internet. Its just a hobby.


Mind you, I'm tempted to relinquish a couple to a guy named Jimmy Wales. He has contacted me a couple of times over the last month concerning JimmyWales.Org and JimmyWales.Net which he is apparently very eager to aquire.


I gave away 3 domains to the Irwins. I gave one to Jonathan Breck the Creeper. Now this wikipedia guy wants a couple. I told him I'd think it over. I felt sorry for Bindi and Terri. Thats why I chose to give away a few to them. Gave Jonathan a domain because I love creature features. Can't think of a reason to give away any domains to Jimmy Wales.

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Hey man I think it's cool what you're doin anyways. Keep linking to the Marijuana Party site, if people think it's bad, their wrong. It's not harming anybody, and gets a great message across to many people who will be looking it up to see who to vote for.

I saw this guy on the TV a couple of days ago and on the radio and I just thought of your antics :D, made me laugh.

But you need to update that site!


Also you should give the sites to people only if they will put a link/advertisement on their site for a pro Cannabis site.

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Hi LucidDreaming,

I think I'll go along with the general consensus. Besides, I don't want to get banned from this place.


I agree about the domain stuff. People keep telling me I was an idiot for giving away LawrenceSpringborg.Com and MalcolmTurnbull.Com but I was actually a volunteer at the time and I'd only secured them for the party.


I've had 4 emails from Jimmy Wales now. He is obviously very keen to get his hands on those domains. Difficult as it is to part with them I kind of feel for the guy. I'd want those domains too if I was in his shoes.


So I've made him an offer. Not for cash though. I think I've suggested a fair exchange but now I'll have to wait and see what he thinks of it. There's a little project I've kept on the backburner for far too long which he could easily help me with. If all goes well I'll give him JimmyWales.Org JimmyWales.Net and JimmyWales.Info


But I won't be too bothered if it doesn't work out. Those domains are great fun.



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