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Drug abuse: Signs and treatment

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The mental health of the Thai people seems to be weakening due to the on-going country's economic uncertainties and political problems which have also led to social conflicts. All these may become causes of mental problems such as stress, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and panic attack.


The drug abuse, too, is on the rise despite the earlier decline due to the heavy-handed crackdown several years ago.


The psychiatrists :) have found that drug addicts often suffer certain mental disorders at the same time, as the psychoactive substances in the drugs are able to act upon the nervous system, causing hallucinations, phobias and paranoia, which if left untreated, could eventually develop into a serious mental illness.


Seven signs of the return of drug abuse

A return of the drug abuse in such a troubled time means that the damage will be amplified and will quickly spread among the population, especially youth.


The following alarming "signs" have indicated that the situation is critical.


The economic downturn


The economic hardship and high employment often encourage the drug dealing activities such as the ya ba (amphetamines) trade.


Low price and more availability of drugs


At the present, ya ba can be bought for as little as 100 baht.


Public acceptance


In modern Thai society, especially youngsters, has shown less negative attitudes toward drug addicts, and even may have no problems socialising with them. This is in contrast to the past when drug addicts were often ostracised by the society.


Clever marketing tactics


The advertisements and use of appealing languages by the dealers can encourage the first use of the drugs.


Weak family institution and inappropriate parenting


Modern parents are often lacking proper knowledge on child rearing.


Lack of self control among the youth


This promotes the trial of drugs by the curious youth without self restraint.


Inconsistent government action


The discontinued policy and crackdown attempts, perhaps due to the instability of the government, allow the drug abuse to return.


Of the above negative signs, the more public acceptance is the most concern.


The young Thais now see illegal drug use as nothing unusual or frightening, unlike the older generations who were taught not to socialise with the drug addicts. Instead, the young see the drug use of their friends, or even boyfriends and girlfriends, as an "individual issue" as long as they themselves are not using the drugs.


With the prevalence of such social attitude, it is difficult to fight drug abuse despite its severe impact on the society and individual's health.


In addition, people are prone to see the use of drug as "not that bad" as they do not see any immediate negative effects after the use.


Modern drugs no longer lead to obvious negative body responses after use, and the youth may believe a couple of days of rest is enough for the effects of the drugs to wear off. Such beliefs, when combined with the tactful marketing tactics of the deals, has turned many users into addicts.


Five levels of drug addiction

The following are the five levels, from zero to five, of drug addiction.


Level 0


The people of this level are able to identify the drug dealers and users around them. They are aware of the effects of the use, but they themselves have not used the drugs. Sooner or later, they will follow their friends in using the drugs. It is crucial that the parents must educate them on the negative effects of the drugs and help create an attitude against the drug use.


Level 1


Those in this level have used the drugs occasionally. They may use the drugs only during school breaks or once a month, perhaps at the parties where drugs are provided by the dealers.


They may start with alcohol drinking but when intoxicated may use cannabis or ya ba. They believe it is "ok" to use the drugs "every once in a while" as it would not become an addiction.


The parents must change their attitude with some consistent efforts as well as actively preventing them from drug use by engaging them with other activities with the family, such as exercise, which will help with the discipline as well.


Level 2


These people are using drugs weekly. They tend to be older teenagers who use the drugs on Friday and Saturday, while spending the Sunday resting in order to save the energy for school on weekdays. They will be soon moving their status into the next level.


Level 3


They use the drugs with more frequency in addition to the weekend use. They may feel they need to use the drugs on Sunday and Monday in order to gain the energy for school. Heavily addicted to the drugs, they feel fun when using and sleepy when not using. They begin to feel they cannot stop the drugs.


Level 4


The drug users of this level no longer feel the fun when using drugs but will become frustrated when not using it. They are listless and craving for the drugs at all times.



Date: 19/02/2009

Source: Bangkok Post

Copyright: Copyright 1996-2008


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