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can anyone help me?



Hi ;)

I just stmbled across this forum while looking for information for my son. He has serious depression and the ONLY thing that works is marijuana. The problem is getting the damn stuff.


Right now in Sydney i haven't been able to lay my hands on anything and my boy is going downhill fast. He has medicine from the Dr which quite frankly does nothing much apart from turn him inot a Zombie. On weed he is active and awake.


What i want to know is does anyone know a legal alternative that i can buy over the counter? Anything just to tide us over. He's so sick and i'm afraid of what could happen if he doesnt get his "proper medicine" soon.



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while self medicating with mj can make you feel better in the short term, for people with serious depression or mental illness its not an effective long term solution in most cases and can lead to even bigger mood swings.


even if mj is the solution for your son, the fact that you don't have a reliable and safe source makes it a bad way to try and manage your son's condition IMO.


If the meds he is on aren't making him feel better I'd be taking him to see the Doctor to adjust or try new medication, or find a better Doctor. Its trial and error a lot of the time and just because the first prescription doesn't work doesn't mean you won't eventually find the right solution.


Of course you could visit any number of herb shops or naturopaths but there is a good reason why alternative medicines aren't prescribed by Doctors, and thats because their safeness and/or effectiveness cannot be proved in clinical trials. They will tell you they have all the answers of course, it is afterall their business.


I am not saying all alternative medicines are bunk, but if I had a son with serious mental issues I think I'd prefer him to be in the hands of a Doctor rather than a herb peddler.


and I know this is probably stating the obvious, but exercise and a good diet can do wonders. When ya get depressed the tendency is to become a junk food binging sloth which makes recovery all the more difficult. I'd be forcing him to eat good food and at least go for a walk every day.

Edited by pipeman
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I too get depressed and go downhill fast when i dont have access to Cannabis, cause doctors meds just dont cut it for me either .. but after a few weeks without it im ok again :blink:


i do hope you know what you are doing whilst diagnosing,medicating and managing your son's illness as Cannabis can also have side-effects and is a powerful psychoactive, albeit wonderous herb ...

be careful cause every Ying has a Yang to it too if ya know what i mean , if ya dont then roll a big joint and try it yourself and whilst you there ask Alice in Wonderland what she reckons ...



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