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1000w hps or 400w mh for veg?

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Hey there FN,


Good questions. I usually use fluros on my cuttings in their nursery. Having said that, if I had a spare 400w MH lying around like you, I'd also be using that.


Your cuttings are at 7 days. What medium are you using? I assume rockwool. It doesn't matter either way. At this stage, your cuttings should be looking healthy, specifically, not wilt-looking and no leaf curling. A nice shade of green. Generally, at 7 days for a cutting the strain is mostly irrelevant all things being equal.


If what I said above is the case, sort out the repotting and stick them under an 18/6 MH cycle for a week or two. Then bump that up to 22/2 or 24/0 (depending on your pref. I ALWAYS use 22/2 in veg as I can't see 24/7 light being natural)


I hope this helps. Some people are going to have different opinions, and that's fine. There's no one correct method of growing (there are standard 'themes' though). Even the 'masters' have differing methods ;)!


Good luck!

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