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1000w hps or 400w mh for veg?

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Start em under the 400w m/h, then add the 1000 for 12/12 and run them both. That is when the step up in light will make a huge difference, 1400w of flowering loveliness. (if it was me I'd get another of each and go 400 for a while, step up to 800 for 2 weeks, go into 12/12 with 1000, then add another for the last 4/5 weeks, steppin up is the way to go).




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Father Nature,


I know what you're asking. I will provide an answer. Perhaps some people should pay just a little more attention to the question ;)


The 1000w HPS system is a much better option. The MH is a better vegging light and the HPS a better blooming light. But if for some reason you can only use one (which I gather, since the folks telling you to use both didn't satisfy you), then use the HPS.


Remember though, both forms of HID can be used for both vegging and flowering. Although the MH outdoes the HPS for foliage growth, the extra 600w and immensely increased lumens has an enormous advantage over the 400w.


Don't despair for the MH though - you can still using for clones, seedlings, etc. In fact, until the lil tackers have at least 3 nodes/4 leaf sets, I wouldn't use the 1000w - it may be a little too powerful. But once this stage has been reached (6-10wks depending on strain), switch over to the 1000w


I hope this makes sense. You might wanna read "The Cannabis Grow Bible" by Greg Green. He puts this down simply. I've got a copy if you're interested. PM me. :blink:


And finally, if there's any possibility of using both, THAT is the best option.

Edited by Teucer
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