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Freakin BUGS

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if they are out side move them to a diff spot... i had 10 autos i had going in the one spot came back 3 days later and 3 were left... :thumbsup: moved them to diff spot and they loved it... apart from the extra sunlight they were getting.. it had less bugs as not one leaf had been munched to this day :peace:


if you can be bothered bring em inside for a week or 2 untill they get better established... or gets some bug spary and dilute it to half strength and spray em with it... only reason i say dilute it is because i got some and sprayed it on full strength and payed for it big time.... lost 5 of 10...

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right now

use a maginifing glass

and check under every leaf

Squash dem all wid your fingers

and come back alone




each time you squash 1


dip your fingers in a 100ml bottle of water


leave the bug water in the bottle, and in the grow room (or near the plants if out doorz)

for 10hrs



then strain the bugs out


use the bug water now

mix it with more water

at water 100/1 bug water

and fullley spray on, and around, all the inffected plants

and any left spray the whole grow room

or all round the plants if your out doorz


dont forget to sey byby to the bugs

they wont be back



irey guidance

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