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Health Info



Hi there folks,


Reading through the various med posts re: cancer cures, I wish to ask the following question:


Has anyone heard of Essiac and the Rene Caisse story? Thoughts, Comments? There's a whole lot of misinformation out there over this possibility and it's sure difficult and time-consuming to decipher. I'm interested in hearing peoples experience here as I believe there's truth to the story. There most certainly cannot be so much info and stories out there - and survivors and personal accounts/witnesses - for it not to hold some truth.


Moving on...


I wish to direct your attention to the following site:


Tim O'Shea


Go here, enter the site and go to the chapters section. This guy has so much detailed research contradicting so much of the accepted conventional wisdom that a lot of the time you feel as though you are through the looking glass with Alice.


Warning: There is a LOT of information. I guarantee if you begin reading you will not be able to stop!


His research also makes suggestions on achieving ultimate health, understanding how diseases TRULY work and what you can do individualy to assist.


I hope this info adds to your war-chest. With Cannabis and information, you can't go wrong! =)

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I hope this info adds to your war-chest. With Cannabis and information, you can't go wrong! =)


Teucer, you do get around, don't ya?...hehe

I got a sweet deal lined up soon....then I'm gunna be functional enough to sit a the pooter and go through that site...

Let ya know what I think of it when I've gone through it.


peace out


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