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dying leaves on clones, normal?

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okay so we have four babies, we've had them for about 2.5 days and they looked OKAY when we got them, a few leaves were curled and a little spotty. they're starting to look a little better but the tallest one (it was the most damaged) is still needing alot of attention, its growing a decent amount of little leaflings on the stem though...is it normal?


ps this is our first time growing so we're really new at this and we pretty much go off of instructional videos from hightimes, 420, etc.


pps we have been trimming it a little and i think we should just cut the leaf off but my boyfriend wants us to wait it out and see if it heals, which most of our plants have been doing





okay so

1. im not real sure if they're rooted yet, but they're planted in the pete moss and we put the pete moss into the soil

2. we don't know how long its been since they've been cut

3. we do have a light (sunsystem 2 400w)

4. i believe its just the leaves need to be misted, but wasn't 100% sure

5. we have nutrients supplied to them daily in the water

Edited by ganjalette
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High there :wave:

Stupid question but are ya clones rooted?....if they are`nt rooted they could`ve got an embolism(air lock in the stem when the clones was cut)

what medium are they in? ........it could be root rot :scratchin:.....from my experience, a propagation medium should stay on the dryer side......like if you can drench a spare 1" cube..feel the weight... then shake out 80/90% of the water and then feel its weight.....<thats how moist it should feel during the rooting period.... :scratchin:


Hope that makes sence :uhhuh:


If the clones are rooted and the medium is`nt too wet, perhaps you could mist them with 'rhizotonic' or 'seed`n clone' or 'plant wax' :/


Last of all......spotted leaves aint great....it could mean spider mites :crazy: .......have a close look under the leaves, if you can see tiny blackish specks or clear egg looking things(microscopic in size)......if you`ve got em ya wanna get onto it real fuckn quick...


There`s a few options to rid mites......like chemical warfare(spray), drowning(hold the clones under water for a minute or so), starving(ripping off the infected leaves)......and the most drastic of all...culling(massacre the lot and start again)...none are fun


Hope they pull through for ya`s,


Chron :peace:

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hi ganjalette,


okay so we have four babies, we've had them for about 2.5 days and they looked OKAY when we got them, a few leaves were curled and a little spotty. they're starting to look a little better but the tallest one (it was the most damaged) is still needing alot of attention, its growing a decent amount of little leaflings on the stem though...is it normal?


ps this is our first time growing so we're really new at this and we pretty much go off of instructional videos from hightimes, 420, etc.


pps we have been trimming it a little and i think we should just cut the leaf off but my boyfriend wants us to wait it out and see if it heals, which most of our plants have been doing




The 'clones' are only 2.5 days since cutting or did you obtain them with roots - there is a huge difference.


How old are the 'clones' since they were taken/cut?


Do they have roots yet?


(1) If they have roots you need to supply light, reasonable humidity (depends) & food (nutrients) in-order to produce more leaves out of the top 'grow tip(s)' - this is a good situation. Plants often 'droop when first 'cut' through shock, the need to develop an alternate source of obtaining nutrients (roots). roots normally start to develop from 7-14 days after taking the clone from the mother plant (female).


If they do not have roots yet you will need to supply a moist (not soaked) medium (coco/compost/rockwool cubes) & light. Ideally and required is light, a 'humidity crib' (bassinet/baby plant nursery/Plastic bag over top as a last resort) that keeps in the humidity up until the roots form in approx 7-14 days


You should supply light, the right medium, humidity, & food (environment). Just like a child. Don't cut of his fingers, & leave new growth and old growth alone. If they [leaves] die they drop off eventually & hopefully there is new growth to replace it.


If you can try to provide some more information/picture for us it would be good. Help us to help you :scratchin:


goodluck !




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hay gangalette

i am no expert thats for sure

my clones i misted with water 3 times a day at least for the first few weeks than i gave them a verry light feed

if they are under your 400 how close is the light?

again i am no expert





they are about 18 inches from the light which is what alot of videos we seen told us

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