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Cannabis Hemp: Crops for yesterday and tomorrow, when we need them tod

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Did you know the word "Cannabis" originates from the Dutch word for "Canvas"?


Acre for acre, cannabis hemp is a more economical source of protein than livestock, and according to the British Cannabis Lobby thats now become an unignorable statistic in the current environmental crisis we find ourselves in.


Industrial hemp can be grown without the use of pesticides and with little or no fertiliser. And according to the Cannabis Lobby we should be seeing it appearing as a crop on every arable farm in the country, as it also sequesters thousands of tonnes of CO2 - the primary greenhouse gas, from the environment simply by growing it.


How come?


Industrial hemp. We really need it back..




The inherent strength of industrial hemp has been known about for centuries, as its sailed the rampaging British naval fleet around the globe since time immemorial. But its that inner strength which also holds the key to reversing global warming.




When hemp grows it draws in everything it needs via its roots. Everything that is, apart from the most important chemical component of all.


Carbon. The actual "bricks" the plant uses to build itself.


Industrial hemp has a legendary appetite for carbon, which it harvests by taking CO2 from the environment it grows in, and in return it releases an oxygen molecule. Cleansing and purifying the atmosphere as a happy by-product of growing wide-ranging industrial hemp crops.


It conditions the soil as it grows, and the deep roving roots break up compact or clay based soils making it a terrific alternating crop. It also removes impurities from the soil with fantastic efficiency. The reason the land around Chernobyl, scene of the worst nuclear reactor leak in history, continues to this day, to grow large hemp crops.


So why are British farmers not growing Industrial hemp?


Thats a great question when you bear in mind there are 45 nutrients that humans can't live without, and which their bodies cannot manufacture;


- 21 minerals, 13 vitamins, eight amino acids and two Essential fatty acids.


No single food has them all, but Hemp seed has all eight amino acids and the oil pressed from the hemp seed is one of the best known sources of the two Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) we can't live without; Omega 3 AIpha-Linolenic Acid and Omega 6 Liholeic Acid, and is more than 90 per cent unsaturated, meaning its great for your heart.


But thats not all.


EFA's are as vital to human life as vitamins and minerals. Nutritionists refer to these polyunsaturates as 'Vitamin K ' and commonly recommend EFA's for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyeride levels.


They also play an important role in reducing heart disease and stroke risk. They improve cell growth, organ function, vitality, mental state, and enhance thought processes with the transportation of oxygen, electrons and energy throughout our bodies.


Linseed or 'flax' oil has previously been seen as a good source, containing both omega-3 and omega-6 fats.


However, nutritionists believe the best ratio is three times as much omega-6 as omega-3, and the only oil containing that is hemp.


Hemp seed oil is also a source of vitamins A and E which are powerful antioxidants (anti toxin/free radicals).


The protein in hemp seed is very similar to the protein in human blood plasma. It is therefore easy to digest.


This is good news for those who have problems with cows milk and or soya beans as hemp seed does not contain the anti-nutrient trypsin inhibitors found in soya milk.


In short, the human race needs to take cannabis hemp back, and the British Cannabis Lobby is discussing taking it back "One square foot at a time ".


Please join us and see what part you can play.


The British Cannabis Lobby


Author: British Cannabis Lobby

Date: 8 February 2009

Source: PR Canna Zine News



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