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Personal grow

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Heya all, been a while

Havnt had a grow on for ages, nearly outta my last grow stock - which was harvested i think aug 08. Like most of you i love to grow! Circumstances have changed and i've decided not to use my grow room for many reasons. One being i end up with tooo much weed! ^_^. Have been pondering for a while to go small - real small. so i can grow enuff fresh smoko for myself. My usage is upto 10 grms a fortnight so not tht much really. my grows normally hit 8 - 10 oz in my room. but as u all know weed loses its niceness after a while and it sucks smokin old weed!


I'm looking at 250w sog. in the smallest cab possible. About size of a fridge or smaller

ability to handle 400w for final few weeks if req. Have sep veg/mum room -twin 4 ft fluros

Ditching the canfilter and 600m3/hr cent exhaust (jet engine :D ) for smaller/quieter odorsok or sumthin.

def go for cooltube.

love coco so will stick with it. drip feed.

thinking 1 week or less veg b4 12/12. Want the plantlets to end up upto 60 cm from bottom in small square pots.

if i could hit upto 3oz ie 1/mth i think i'll be sorted.


Dont want sumthin obtrusive or suspect looking.

Basically want to have

a fresh batch of smoke,

allow more hands on growing.

not too much smoke stashed/degrading. I dnt sell or give out as i am a very private smoker. family know i smoke n 'used to grow' but i prefer them to hv no knowledge. all the peeps tht know me dont have a clue :)

expense not an issue.


Anyone done sumthin like this? would appreciate any input.

I dont wanna build sumthin that ends up overheating etc etc.



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If you are intent on a seperate veg/flower chamber would you consider a wardrobe split down the middle?


I just can't see a fridge sized chamber split in two being big enough, if you are using 4foot fluros I would assume you would want your chamber at least 4.5 feet wide.


Also wardrobes don't draw much attention (unless it hums like a spaceship as does mine).


How do you store your weed? I find mine improves in quality after a few months curing.


Good luck with it, can't wait to see a new grow diary!

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if your only doing it on a small personal scale u could do this as i am i have a small "clone tent" here i keep clones,seedlings,mother plants and i will be vegging its set up with a 130w CFL soon to be replaced with a 200w CFL this is cooled with a 120mm computer fan this whole clone tent runs silent! than i have the bigger tent called a "bud box" once my plants in the veg chamber have reached 12-14 inches i will move them to the bud box for flowering under a 400w HPS light with a cool tube the bud box has two fans one to cool the lamp the second replaces fresh air around the tent/plants using this set up i will be able to harvest every 2 months thats 6 harvest per year without the clone tent i will only get 4 harvest per year as my plants are vegged in there for 4 weeks before im due to harvest the plants in the flowering tent so the plants that have been vegged will go strait into flowering

the bigger bud box cost $130 ebay size is 90x50x160cm

the smaller box cost around $70 ebay 80x45x80cm comes with a shelf im not using mine as i want to veg and keep mother plants

130w CFL $50 ebay

400w HPS light $150

bathroom exhaust fan $50 hydro shop

inline fan for cool tube $170 (u dont wanna burn your house down so pay for a good fan!!!) ebay/hydro shop

cool tube $47 ebay

pots,coco,perlite or hydroponic system and nutrients add $ to what ever u chose


laugh with me at shops that charge $1000 for half of this



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still pondering, got most of the other 'things' in life sorted.Now back to my hobby i dont want to give up.


I can/hv done a whole room, got the space,privacy and equipment ... I dont need or want to. I just want enough herb for my own use. Recently my close mates who i have helped alot through their grows and they never mind hooking me up with fresh buds as i am a small user, 4grm bag lasts me two weeks of normal use. The thing is i miss pleasures of growing my own.


I'm trying to plan my final box.

Clones n mums - sorted, got my old attic grow space for them.

i'm tryin to target 12/yr ... dnt laugh!

preferbly cple diff strains.

It freaks me out going to mates plcs cause thy didnt/havent learnt rule 1. tell/show no one. just waiting to get dne cause they become invincible "been grwing for years no probs" - yeah right, how many know now thn from the start!

so i have a plan but would really appreciate if sumone who hits my yeild range - hints etc would be great. I cant spend more time experimenting on ooms/sizes etc, just want to get onto it.


I have had 4 diff grw rooms, 400w,250w,200wfluros etc hydro,bubblers,f&d etc. Settled with coca, m thinking of trying small perpetual sog, straight from rooted clone, maybe at three nodes.

Edited by Samjana
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