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which hood should i buy

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a 1000watter with a 4foot parabolic shade will spread the light evenly over a space of about 5footx5foot. .. but will stretch to 6footx6foot... certainly wouldnt do much more than that effectively.. cool tubes might be hard to fit in a parabolic shade.. id just forget about the cooltube.. they arent really necessary unless heat is a major issue... which i doubt it would be in this case


a bat wing will spread the light in a rectangular fashion over about 3footx5foot.. or there abouts..


in my opinion i would opt for a parabolic shade.. as parabolic shades tend to spread the light more evenly towards to edges of the room over a batwing.


how ever.. if youre trying to illuminate the whole 10x10 room.. youll need a little more that just 1 watt light.. probaly be very effective with 4... or even 2 oin a sun circle might be the cheaper option...

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