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Im not saying what to do,

Im just stateing the obvious,

we really need to make our voices heard because i don't know if you have noticed or not.

But injustice is becomming law...


I really do not know what to di but I really want to do something, how about could we go about organising a rally or protest?

Prehaps if planned in advance the people of australia who know the truth can spread the truth, doctors lawyers judges ect fark they dont have to say "im a doctor Legalise it" cos theyd loose their Medical Licence cos this is the society we live in, you speak your mind and you can face alot of social stigma.


Its 2009 and we are in Australia, WE are not America so why are we following suite after american pollicies?

Surley we are smart enough to make our own choices...


Shit I could go on but i'd just be telling you all what you already know.


Even tho I know where the ones who say "theres no use lets give up and hide behind locked doors and sucumb to paranoia"

are comming from, Yeah if i wear my legaise it t-shirt Cops harrase me...


But come the Fark on when is this 5hit going to stop?


So far the way I see things is that the governments are edging ever so closer to enslaving us, and don't think it aint going to happen because if we dont act it will, it starts with taking away smaller freedoms, then bigger ones, then creating an enviroment where one is fored into slave labour "work" in order to stay alive...


Living shouldnt cost money, pleasure such as alcohol cannabis show rides and televisions can cost money but why should food? it seem that in this day and age you can not live for free unless you move away and join up with what are called the Survivalism movement and basically potrayed as "looney" and "Dangerous" to the public... the government or should I say Slave drovers DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO BE SELF-SUFFICIENT.


Fark.... I'm not saying leave town and live it rough Im just say, we should atleast be aprt of demonstrations about world hunger and protesting with everyone else in regards to the way of life we are force to contribute to.


I Want to be apart of the workforce dont get me wrong, but I can not swallow the sharp rusty lie.

The Lie I am contributing to a greater good when in all the majority of the workforce contributes to destroying the planet thus Destroying the possablities of life evolving when we leave in the future......the Future that is what we are working togther to destroy at the moment...nothing more than ensureing that a select few have larger bank accounts than you...


Hell... Im just frustrated and Kinda well sad.

Its upsetting to jus sit back and watch the world be consumed by greed and destruction...


Please... is there anything that we can do?


All races (to a degree) have freedom (to a degree), the gay community have freedom (to a degree)

is it not my right to decide what I DO and DO NOT do to myself? Aslong as I am not Harming anyone else I dont see what Harm I am doing to anyone else?


Are we really that enslaved already that we have lost our spirit? our Omf? our Heart? Our Minds? are we all really that brainwashed that we think we have already lost to the oppressor?


Remember there is more of us then there is of the Oppressors gang (Police)

How can we sit back and allow them to preform home invasions and muggings? (raids and searches)


I understand why drugs such as Speed/Ice Heroin and Cocaine need to be brought under control, they turn an addict out of a preist...

You try them two three times apprently just once and you are hooked...


But I know and you too prolly know people who smoked it and didnt like it, like soem with alcohol, they just dont like it...

they dont becomming 'addicts'

An stoners who hock shit for weed... give us all a bad name, why should there lack of disaplin, self-control, rationality and common sence be slammed on us, why not do the same with alcoholics and People addicted to Gambleing...

Oh thats right gamblers an alcoholics's money all goes into the Governments pocket...


Dont get me wrong, I agree with the Majority of what the government stands for but I do not agree with its biased views and opinions they try to force feed us through the media (who is paid to say its so)


....If you did read all this, thankyou...

So... WTF can we do to start making our voices heard and our HUMAN F**KING RIGHT known?

I am going to go outside now laydown on the lawn(dirt) and watch the sky while smokin a joint (this helps me unwind and re connect with myself and nature)

Ok people Even If you just want to slay me down and hurt my feeling please share your thoughts as that is your right :thumbsup:


Uproot Propaganda not the Plant.


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Who benefits?

Pharmaceutical companies, breweries and various religious groups. Then there's the police and court system, complete with counsellors and courses. And gaols. All these institutions benefit terrifically from anti-drug legislation.

When you leave your front door the security cameras track you. Same when you carry a mobile 'phone. We are already in prison. Most of us are happily institutionalized. Most get their news from the same inter-related sources everyday – so its not like diversity is important.

The police now have tasers and capsicum spray. Soon you'll have to produce your I.D. Card. If you think that your telephone is safe – think again. In some countries – like the UK – the government has started micro-chipping the population.

My advice is to keep a low-profile.

The knock on your door will come, one day – just probably not today.

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This will give you an idea of what we are up against with the Human Rights Issue in Australia. I wrote to the Human Rights Commissioner appealing for help with my human rights. This was the response.


Subject: RE: Urgent Message for Human Rights Commissioner [sEC=UNCLASSIFIED]




Dear Mark,


Thank you for your email to the Australian Human Rights Commission addressed to the Human Rights Commissioner. This email has been directed to the Complaint Handling Section, as the complaint handling powers are held by the President and not the Human Rights Commissioner. I apologise for not responding sooner.


In your email you say that the AFP raided your premises and confiscated cannabis products, which you say you need for your PTSD. You say that these actions are a breach of your human rights as contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter.


Under the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (HREOCA), this Commission can investigate complaints of human rights breaches by the Federal Government or one of its agencies. Under the legislation the definition of human rights is very specific and only includes those rights contained in the international instruments attached to the HREOCA. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UN Charter are not attached to the HREOCA.


I understand that this is a distressing situation for you, however it does not appear the issues you raise fall within this Commission's human rights provisions. Therefore it does not appear Commission is the most appropriate body to assist.


It is unclear whether there is a pending court matter in regards to this issue. You may wish to seek some legal advice to see if there is any legal avenue available for you. You may wish to contact ACT Legal Aid on 1300 654 314.


If you have any further questions about this email, or this Commission's laws, feel free to contact me on 1300 656 419 or by return email.


Kind Regards,


Ben Crompton

Complaint Information Officer

Complaint Handling Section


Australian Human Rights Commission

(new name for the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission)


Level 8 Piccadilly Tower, 133 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001

T 1300 656 419 F +61 2 9284 9689

E ben.crompton@humanrights.gov.au W www.humanrights.gov.au


Human rights: everyone, everywhere, everyday




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