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Medical Cannabis for New Mexico - UK Patients go to jail

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Medical Cannabis for New Mexico - UK Patients go to jail

11 January 2009

PR Cannazine



The North American state of New Mexico (pop. 2 million) looks set to become the 14th US state to legalise medical use of cannabis, as its been announced this week the New Mexico Department of Health has finalised regulations for the registry identification cards and a production/distribution system for its state-wide medical cannabis program.


According to state regulations medical marijuana patients will be able to grow, 4 mature cannabis plants as well as upto 12 seedlings for their own personal use.


On top of this its been announced a non-profit, private entity may also be permitted to produce upto 95 mature plants, as well as providing what the state calls, "an inventory of usable marijuana that reflects current patient needs at any time."


The Health Secretary will consider the health needs of qualified patients versus the public safety aspect, in determining the number and location of licenses that the Department of Health approves.


Make sure your viewpoint is heard during the run up to the next British General Elections, due to happen within the next 12-18 months, by joining us on the British Cannabis Lobby . Lend us your voice, and your vote, as we take our argument all the way to the Houses of Parliament.

The Department of Health also revised its regulations regarding the registry identification cards after receiving feedback during three public hearings. The regulation allows patients to possess 6 ounces of medical marijuana. Due to concerns that the amount was inadequate, the revised rule allows the Department to consider an amount greater than 6 ounces if a practitioner explains why a larger dose is needed.


The Department’s Medical Advisory Board will hold a public hearing at 9 a.m. January 15 at Los Griegos Community Center, 1231 Candelaria NW, in Albuquerque to review petitions to include new health conditions in the program. The board’s eight board-certified physicians will consider petitions that have been previously submitted to the Department of Health.


To apply for the Medical Cannabis Program, to be a licensed producer or to petition for a new condition, go to the New Mexico Department of Health or call the Medical Cannabis Program Coordinator at (505) 827-2321.


Its a bizarre state of affairs. On the one hand January 26th 2009 will be regarded as a dark day in the British medical cannabis community as the government changes the cannabis law to suit an agenda which is now proven to be entirely their own, and nothing AT ALL to do with public health or safety.


Medical cannabis patients in the UK, like our own "Cannabis Outlaw " Norris Nuvo, are set to face the very real threat of a 5 year prison term just for possessing cannabis, and whilst its all good and well to "assume" this situation would never actually rear its ugly head, no court case was ever won with assumptions.


While the rest of the world wakes up to the fact we actually need cannabis hemp brought out of the cold as the first pro-active step in the fight against climate change, the British government, as tightly tied in as they are with the petroleum, the alcohol and the pharmaceutical industries, simply refuse to acknowledge scientific evidence which we now know is factually (and morally) correct.


That is, cannabis can and does save lives and if you need further proof of this perhaps you should speak to people like Scott Paplowski , because he has an argument the "bluest" Conservative would struggle to argue against.


New Mexico is a state with a long history of being a Democratic strong-hold. What that means for our European readers, is that New Mexico, in the last US Elections prior to Obama's moment of glory, was a strongly held conservative state controlled by George Bush's Democrat party, and still is today.


Bush's actions against the medical marijuana community in the US, needs no pre-amble here. Its well documented elsewhere.


So for a demographic of 2 million people to completely change their view-point on the efficacy of medical marijuana, must surely allay any and all doubts towards the benefits of cannabis as a medicine, and any further refusal by the British government, to recognise these facts, can only be looked upon as inhumane and barbaric.


A charge I'm hoping the British cannabis community, which numbers over 4 million people at a conservative estimate, will bring to bear when the governing Labour party here in the UK, come knocking on our doors looking for votes.


Its your decision.



January 10th 2009

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