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Cannabis Hemp - The New Oil Fields?

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Cannabis Hemp - The New Oil Fields?

Bill Stone

9 January 2009

PR Cannazine



The British Cannabis Lobby is to write to the UK government, over what its calling the "gross mishandling" of the nation.


They're accusing the government of refusing to acknowledge the fact legalising and encouraging the growing of industrial hemp as a national crop, could play a huge part in cutting the Great British carbon footprint.


A spokesman for the Cannabis Lobby said "Once upon a time, the stories regarding the multitudes of benefits and uses associated with industrial hemp were the stuff of hippy legends and folk-lore."


"But with the global communications platforms we have available today," he continued, "and specialist news agencies such as the Canna Zine cannabis news portal keeping us informed of whats happening in the world of agricultural cannabis hemp, we can see there are countries around the world, like Canada for instance, who are feeding a hugely bouyant market even in todays economic crisis, worth multi-millions of US dollars in the North American market alone."


"Its a growth market which has the missing "X" factor," he concluded, "which is often the closing lever in firing a shoppers "impulse buy" signals. That is, actually feeling good about buying a product. Feeling like you are personally "saving the planet"."


And at face value the Cannabis Lobby makes a compelling point, (for a bunch of stoners, right?)


So I checked out a book which has been proclaimed as the next "Nostradamus"


As far back as the early 90's, Jack Herer was proclaiming how if they didn't start growing hemp straight away, the world was already destined to arrive at the point we actually find ourselves at today.


When you bear in mind this was written 20 years ago it turns into a scarily accurate prophecy.


In his book "The Emperorer Wears No Clothes ", Jack Herer has compiled the authoritative history of the world's premier crop, hemp (Cannabis sativa). Hundreds of original documents and graphic displays outline the impact of hemp's prohibition as "Marijuana." Now in the seventh printing, this compendium outlines the myriad uses of hemp and shows how hemp can "save the world" from deforestation and petrochemicals. Cultivated since pre-history for food, oil, linen, canvas, paper, and cordage, hemp is potentially the earth's premier renewable resource and medicine.


As well as being an authorative resource for the hemp activist and the hedge-fund manager alike, for the conspiracy theorists amongst us, it actually documents the petrochemical industry's plot to outlaw this renewable source of paper, energy, food, textiles, and medicine. You'll have to read it to find out more and I guarantee it will leave you with a lot of unanswered questions where you were sure you had answers previously.


Its a great read, which raises a lot of very valid points, especially so regarding the economic and environmental crisis we find ourselves in today.


I asked Paul J. von Hartmann from the California Cannabis Ministry, what he thought of administrations around the globe, who constantly refuse to acknowledge information which is clearly, scientifically sound? Or rather, what sort of response was needed in answer to this ignorance?


Here's what he told me;


It occurs to me that the strongest possible reaction would include an international request for something attainable, significant and beneficial.


Specifically, requesting a formal reassessment of the true value of Cannabis agriculture, ecology, manufacture and trade.


In the context of present "emergency" conditions of environment, economics and armed aggression it would be hard for any administration to ignore.


In the U.S., it's apparently called "essential civilian demand." Perhaps it's a term that will serve the rest of the world as well.


I trust that the drug war will end when the Great Lie about the world's most useful and nutritious crop is exposed, and the organic agricultural market is allowed to spread abundant health and natural wealth.


We need to stop talking about Cannabis as a drug ("Drugs don't make seeds.") and start recognizing it as a critical component of an agricultural strategy to address climate change.


If there is a better, more widely available, proportionate way to address "global broiling" (with the increase of UV-B radiation), which is more effective or more efficient than cannabis agriculture, I haven't heard it.


Establishing as common knowledge, the true value of Cannabis hemp will "blow the doors off" of the drug policy debate.


But if we don't figure out the UV-B equation soon, it won't matter what other problems we do solve. P J v Hartmann


So I guess the big issue is the fact that for the most part, we expect hemp loving do-gooders to be members of the great unwashed. Students and by-pass/highway demonstrators who are all too easily ignored or over-looked.


But on scratching beneath the surface, what we actually find is a generation of 40-somethings who have realised the "Just say no" campaign was a fabrication which was created at the height of the drug war, and does not reflect anything like the medical or scientific evidence we have at our disposal today, in January 2009.


I'm talking mums & dads stood in their gardens, smoking weed....and they're inhaling!


And its the children of these 40-somethings, who will be graduating law school at the end of the coming summer 09 and beyond, who will begin to untangle the web of lies which has surrounded cannabis hemp for the last 80 years or so.


For the first time ever we have a new generation which has an environmental conscience.


Lets face it they've had it drummed into them (alongside "no smoking" and "drugs are bad") for the last 15 years of education, and when these new young politicians come to power it'll take a very rich industrial lobby indeed, to keep cannabis hemp outlawed.


With thanks to Paul J von Hartmann

California Cannabis Ministry



Written by Bill Stone


The British Cannabis Lobby


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